{UAH} Fwd: How big is the American far right?; '9 to 5' writer Patricia Resnick on Hollywood and sexual harassment; the ultimate sufganiyot for Hanukkah; more
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From: Tablet Magazine <digest@tabletmag.com>
Date: 5 December 2017 16:24:00 GMT
To: <bobbyalcantara94@gmail.com>
Subject: How big is the American far right?; '9 to 5' writer Patricia Resnick on Hollywood and sexual harassment; the ultimate sufganiyot for Hanukkah; more
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Tablet Newsletter
Jewish leaders blast the Boston Globe for anti-Semitic cartoon ![]()
December 5, 2017
What Is the American Far Right? James Aho
And how many of them are there, anyway?
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How To Make the Ultimate Sufganiyot—Israeli Jelly Doughnuts—for HanukkahVideo: Make your own miracle of oil by frying up a batch of sugar-coated treats stuffed with apricot jam
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