The UK is such a lonely place over the Christmas period that 5 years ago, many pubs and social entertainment places began opening their doors to anyone who is alone, to just pop in and have company- even if you have no money. It is so strange that in such a big city, one of the wealthiest in the world, over such a festive season like Christmas, thousands and upon thousands of people are alone.!!! Karl Marx predicted this in his theory of alienation- how capitalism and the development of machines would soon replace the human and personal relationships that previously tied people together. Life comes to a standstill in the UK over Christmas- all offices and shops, are closed, traffic shuts down as everyone is supposed to be "celebrating" with family, Unfortunately, "family" as existed in the 1950s 0r even up to the 1970's nolonger exists.
-- Bobby
Lovely gesture from lovely people !!!
Meet & Deep News
If you are alone or have nothing to do on Christmas day... pop into Meet & Deep News (Hampton Road TW2) for a mince pie and some Christmas cheer! You don't have to buy anything... we just want to see you! 💜💛💚💙❤🎅🎄☃#MeetAndDeepFamily #MeetAndDeepNews #Christmas
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