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{UAH} My letter to the president

By Collins Bomugisha

I would like to thank you for the good work that has been taking place since the beginning of kisanja hakuna muchezo policy. Your stewardship now looks more development-focused than ever before. In my home town of Mbarara, roads are being improved; the town is being connected to solar power and many former death traps due to darkness are being phased out. I am sure we shall benefit from the cleansing that is taking place in the Uganda Police Force. The Justice Bamugemereire-led land commission has exposed the rot in the town leadership hence creating hope that the problem of land will be sorted.

These improvements are part of the wider national plans that have been worked upon or being worked upon like the Karuma dam, which will lead to reduction in power tariffs, the Ishaka-Kantunguru road works that is to commence soon, will improve business activities on Kasese –Bwera-Fort Potal routes as well as Mbarara Northern Bypass that will reduce town traffic jam in Mbarara.

These are important developments in the quest to transform our country into a modern society and improve the lives of citizens. A lot could still be missing, but this no reason not to appreciate the achievements we have attained so far.
I won't forget to thank you for the treaties you have signed with government of Tanzania and the oil-related works that will provide many job opportunities to Ugandans, especially to the youth and in effect, reduce the high level of youth unemployment.

Nevertheless Mr President, may I bring to your attention the issues that are of great concern to the people all of which call for your attention. These include the level of intolerance, especially as regards dissenting views. Majority of us the youth are still finding it hard to benefit from the systems in place. Those entrusted with helping us have failed us. I appeal to you to put in place measures that will make it possible for youth programmes to benefit us directly. If the youth can benefit from the projects and improve their standards, then poverty will be reduced.

The cost of running business is high, especially to the youth operating low capital businesses. It is hard to be successful when the people entrusted to a job become the stumbling block. We pay many fines on taxis, kiosks, restaurants, etc. Besides, interest on capital by banks, is also too high, not forgetting that the bureaucracy in starting youth programmes hinders us from accessing youth funds.
We see the good work done by the government, but because we do not benefit much, some of our colleagues end up involving themselves in acts that do not help them.
Collins Bomugisha,

Allaah gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him."And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)

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