{UAH} Fwd: Original fiction by Ayelet Tsabari; MuslimGirl, Gal Gadot, and anti-Semitism; Susan Silverman's plan to help African asylum seekers in Israel; more
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From: Tablet Magazine <digest@tabletmag.com>
Date: 22 January 2018 16:15:38 GMT
To: <bobbyalcantara94@gmail.com>
Subject: Original fiction by Ayelet Tsabari; MuslimGirl, Gal Gadot, and anti-Semitism; Susan Silverman's plan to help African asylum seekers in Israel; more
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Tablet Newsletter
King Ubu, Trump's Dadaist predecessor ![]()
January 22, 2018
Knives Ayelet Tsabari
Tablet Original Fiction: Anger management in a Vancouver restaurant
Observance / Amy Feldman
How Buying a Tallit at 46 Helped Me Claim My Place in the Jewish CommunityI've struggled for decades to feel comfortable in synagogue as a single woman. Wrapped in a silk prayer shawl, I finally felt at home.
Revlon Award Winner Has History of Anti-Semitism As both editor and performer, MuslimGirl founder Amani Al-Khatahtbeh endorsed blood libels against Jews and 9/11 Truther conspiracies
Rabbi Susan Silverman Launches Anne Frank Institute to Help African Asylum Seekers in Israel "This is our time to rise up and stop this tragedy."
King Ubu, Trump's Dadaist Precursor Alfred Jarry's character is the president's true predecessor, right down to the bad words
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