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{UAH} Bettie Lou Williams

Bettie Lou Williams (1932-1954)   Double Body/Four Legs   Williams had a parasitic twin growing out of the left side of her body. (as if you couldn't tell) It's said that she was the highest paid human oddity in history, earning up to one grand a week. She put her 11 siblings through college and purchased a 260 acre farm for her parents. She died of an asthma attack at 22. (pitchcard)

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Jen Wayne Gacy
Bettie Lou Williams (1932-1954) Double Body/Four Legs Williams had a parasitic twin growing out of the left side of her body. (as if you couldn't tell) It's said that she was the highest paid human oddity in history, earning up to one grand a week. She put her 11 siblings through college and purchased a 260 acre farm for her parents. She died of an asthma attack at 22. (pitchcard)


Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

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