{UAH} Fwd: Why Trump is bad for Israel; Portuguese sausage and the history of the Inquisition; more
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From: Tablet Magazine <digest@tabletmag.com>
Date: 2 March 2018 16:09:45 GMT
To: <bobbyalcantara94@gmail.com>
Subject: Why Trump is bad for Israel; Portuguese sausage and the history of the Inquisition; more
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Tablet Newsletter
How a Jewish summer camp launched L.A.'s Chicano movement ![]()
March 2, 2018
Hold the Applause Liel Leibovitz
As AIPAC convenes in DC, it's time to admit the inconvenient truth: Donald Trump is bad for Israel
Food / Shira Rubin
The History of the Inquisition, Wrapped Up in a SausageAccording to legend, the pork-free 'alheira' chorizo was created as a way for Jews to hide their identity. Whether or not that history has been exaggerated, it's an important part of how Portugal is now wrestling with its Jewish past.
How a Jewish Youth Camp Birthed the 1968 East L.A. Chicano Student Walkouts 'The young Mexican American is tired of waiting for the Promised Land'
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