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Edmund/ Edward P'Ojim/ Moses Nekyon/ Ocaya p'Ocure.

According to a Kenyan forumist, the following are what Dr Raila Odinga got from his "Peace Accord" or HANDSHAKE  with his "Brother" Uhuru Jomo Kenyatta. Now you have a careful look at the list. Does it really satisfy the democratic demands of the kenyan people who feel they were cheated at the elections? Why is Dr Raila Odinga willing to buy or be satisfied with promises, such as end of threats to the judiciary, end of closure of TV stations, free democratic elections in future etc when he knows from experience, all these promises are just hot air, and do not satisfy even the minimum demand of the people- which is the holding of fresh elections?

The more I read about this Kenyan imbroglio, the more I get the sick  feeling in the guts  that the Americans simply read the riot act to Dr Raila Amolo Odinga and told him to shut up. He has got absolutely nothing from Jomo Kenyatta from this climbdown, apart from may be the little that will remain of his dignity.


    Anwar Saddat
    20 hrs ·

    If the golden handshake was based on these issues, then I am in.

    1. Dr. Odinga got a written commitment from his brother that all NASA politicians like Hon. Arati, Hon. 001 whose firearms were withdrawn have be reinstated and none will face harassment for speaking about the failures of ODM/Jubilee government.

    2. Agwambo got a written commitment from his brother that the passports of all NASA politicians that were withdrawn be reinstated and all pending fabricated cases against them be dropped.

    3. Agwambo got a written commitment from his brother that all fabricated and politically motivated cases against NASA bloggers like Kabz Nyar Kisii and others be withdrawn immediately and that no NASA bloggers will be targeted for speaking against the failures of their joint government.

    4. Raila got a written commitment from his brother that the blatant violation of the Kenyan constitution and impunity that we have witnessed during the electioneering period will not happen again. That the rights of all Kenyans, as guaranteed in the Bill of rights shall be protected and no Kenyan will be targeted and harassed for exercising his rights of assembly, free speech, associations, among others.

    5. Dr Odinga got a written commitment from his brother that the government will compensate the families of those killed during the 2017 Pre and Post election violence and that the lives of the children of comrades like Msando, Jacob Juma and others shall be supported by the state.

    6. Dr Odinga got a written commitment from his brother that the Kenyan media will not be switched off and on at will based on political expediency. And that the right of a free press as enshrined in our constitution shall be guaranteed.

    7. Dr. Odinga got a written commitment from his brother that the Kenyan Judiciary will be allowed to operate freely without interference and threats from those in power as is required by law.

    8. Dr. Odinga got a written commitment from his brother that elections results will always represent the will of the people as expressed through a popular vote, and that independent institutions like IEBC will operate without state interference or direction.

    9. Dr Odinga got a written commitment from his brother that those who have been victimized by Jubilee during pre and post 2017 elections like those who lost their jobs for coming from none regime friendly tribes or Makueni chiefs who endured emotional trauma of thinking that their motorcycles will be repossessed after the election be paid for their pain and suffering. And that their privileges be reinstated immediately

    10. And lastly, that kenya going forward shall be a nation governed and ruled by laws and monarchical decrees. Where courts shall not be used to advance dictatorship but to arbitrate on issues that affect Kenyans; where Justice, rule of law, and fidelity to constitution are the basis upon which the operation of government are carried; where a 90 year old Wanjigi's father will not be dragged to court to explain how he acquired a gun 70 years ago or Wanjigi will not be stopped by 100 police officers in public to serve him fictitious court orders.

    Ladies and gentlemen, if that handshake involved the above, then sign me on.

    Nobody can go back and erase their past, but we all can have a new beginning. That beginning must be based on shared values and it's foundation must not be deception but honesty guided by a genuine desire to solve not just our political problems, but deal with impunity and injustices that continue to permeate both our public and private lives.

    Let us deal all cards on the table and none under the table.

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