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Anthony Middlemass/ Ahmed Kategaga/ Billie OKadameri,/ Henry Ford Mirima

So you Ugandan journalists have become partners in crime- or accomplices in covering them up? But it does not come as a surprise that agencies like ISO, ESO, CMI, Crime Preventors, Presiential Guard, Kiboko Squad etc are staffed by major league criminals. The stakes are really high in Uganda, when journalists, security agencies and journalists are all criminals or in league with criminals. This is the Uganda we live in- a gangster's paradise.


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Murungi Mike
Analysts like Tamale Mirundi have come to a conclusion that Ugandan media is being run by mafias and many people including me agree. Tamalealso alleges that the New Vision boss Kabushenga is an agent of these mafias which also seems to be true depending on the facts; first the president in his end of year (2017) message cautioned him for publishing propaganda of the mafia and secondly how the New Vision is handling the sensitive story about the death of two foreign investors who died in Ugandan hotels a few weeks back.
Last week the Director Political Affairs in Internal Security Organisation (ISO) briefed the journalists about the investigations and he revealed that ISO was in possession of an original CCTV footage which is different from the manipulated one obtained by the police. He also confirmed to journalists that ISO had found out that the two Finnish national didn't die of drugs as claimed.
It is surprising that even after ISO came out and gave the public the real facts about this matter, New Vision has continued to derail the public from the real truth and yesterday (Sunday 11th March 2018) it published a story saying "ISO Directors probed in foreigners' deaths" Just a few days after ISO clearing the air about the implication of its operative and conceded that he is being detained.
New Vision is so keen and acts with a lot of enthusiasm in regard to investigations into the death of this foreigner. It has consequently ended up being biased. The biasness in this case is justifiable since one of their own Charles Etukuri is a person of interest in the case and has been cautioned by ISO. Therefore we can't ignore the fact that New Vision could be covering for its employee. 
The public demands for unbiased and credible information at least from the national newspaper. 
 Therefore the police and all security agencies should carry out fresh investigations now that the "weevils" have been removed and inform the public with real facts not to leave us with the findings of Etukuri's investigation which is also infested with the biasness of the weevils whom Etukuri has been serving and handling their facebook accounts.

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