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By Lumumba Amin
Kampala, Uganda.

Date: 21 July 2018.

It is quite funny how those who usually support Jews on religious or human rights grounds, have mysteriously fallen silent on the plight of Ugandan Jews. So let me take a stand on their behalf in accordance with the principles of tolerance, human rights, equality, and religious freedom.
But first I would like you the highly vocal experts in democracy, religious freedoms and Human Rights, to kindly explain to me (in legal quotes) how any purportedly democratic and free country can by law declare itself belonging to a given religion as part of the official determinant of their national identity. Isn't that religious sectarianism? I am saying this because Israeli's have just recently declared themselves a Jewish state. The reason the new law is being dubbed "The Apartheid law" in some parts of the world is because it is said to declare Jews supreme over everyone else... including the millions of Christians and countless Muslims. Let us all agree that supremacism has been known to be the source of many historic ills including Nazism, Apartheid and slavery.
It also seems that by the new law, nobody but a Jew can be an Israeli. How does such blatant state sponsored religious sectarianism exist legally in any purported democracy today? However the law shoots itself in the foot immediately. If I decided to join the Jewish faith today, that supposedly makes me have a right to be an Israeli. But just a few months ago, there was an abhorrent and discriminatory historic precedent where the Israeli regime squarely refused to recognize the Ugandan Jewish community as Jews. People who have been quietly practicing their faith for almost a century in Uganda. The decision was allegedly taken with the sole aim to deliberately make the black Ugandans ineligible for Israeli citizenship. The technical excuse used to deny them this eligibility for Israeli citizenship is that the religious rituals and practices of the Ugandan Jews were not satisfactorily Jewish. Yet I have for example seen some European Jewish friends from school days who don't even practice their religion to this day but swiftly became Israeli citizens once they applied for citizenship. Surprisingly the High school that my father sent me to in France was in a small town, Chambon-sur-Lignon, renowned to this day for having helped hide tens of thousands of Jews during World War II when Hitler was rounding them up and sending them to concentration camps for extermination. Having personally seen the very caves/underground hideouts where they hid from German soldiers, I can confirm that one can only feel extreme sadness for what they had to endure to survive.
It therefore seems almost surreal that todays Israeli society has turned around and established religious and racial supremacism as their own ideology. The very ills that saw 6 million Jews slaughtered by Europeans during World War II.
Today Jews from Europe and America are more deserving of Israeli privileges particularly in the citizenship queue, while black Jews from Uganda, Ethiopia, Yemen, Morroco and anywhere else, are today left in the gutters of a racist and increasingly extremist Israeli political environment.
The new "Israeli Apartheid law" passed this week by the Israeli Parliament makes Israeli democracy a laughable outright farce.
Are the white Israeli's claiming to be more "children of God" than the black Jews? This racist situation brings back to the forefront a question once asked to Israeli's by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1958: "How come the Jews who left Egypt with Moses to return to their land were black people, yet you the purported Jews of today are white?"
Indeed one wonders what happened. Maybe their skin underwent a bleaching transformation caused by climate change. Or maybe todays white Jews are simply Europeans who chose to convert to the Jewish faith much later just like the Ugandan Jews did so as to become part of "the children of Israel", "the chosen ones". 
But then it is disturbing to see how the white "children of Israel" from Europe segregate against the black children of Israel from Africa yet they (the white Jews) are actually the main impostors/impersonators of the original Jews of Moses.
Recently the world was shocked to read in the New York Times that the Israeli government secretely injected black Jewish women with chemicals that prevented them from getting pregnant and giving birth to more black Jews. This was done without the womens knowledge or consent. A practice that has all the ideological hallmarks of extermination of black jews similar to a genocide or the infamy of Adolf Hitler's 'Final Solution' against a particular group of people. It is now abundantly clear why Zionism was declared as racism in a United Nations resolution. Israeli extremism is so emboldened today that they barely hide their true sentiments against black people in general anymore.
Meanwhile, I have another question that still troubles me and which remains unanswered ever since I first asked about it: According to the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, Israel is the name of a person. Given to him by God Almighty Himself. We all know exactly who the biblical person is. But the question is, who then changed that person's name into the name of a nation?

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