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{UAH} Assistant Commissioner of Police Baroza is hiding in Kigali, Rwanda.


Assistant Commissioner of Police Baroza is hiding in Kigali, Rwanda.

Baroza ran away from his duty station after the arrest of his former boss General Kale Kayihura, he boarded a Turkish airways flight and was received in Turkey by Joel uwizeye Rwandese attaché to Turkey before being led to a hotel.

He has since left Turkey for Rwanda where he was given residence and protection in appreciation for his service to the nation of Rwanda.

Jonathan Baroza is the only the second surviving Kayihura associate who was lucky to leave the country in a disguised way, a bid to move Nickson out was blocked by Rwandan authorities after social media outcries was halted by ISO and CMI.

It's should be remembered the Baroza holds top secrets of General Kayihura's dealing with his bestman Kagame, it's is Baroza himself that ordered to capture of a family of ten that was in Kampala and illegally repatriated this family to Rwanda. This family was killed instantly on arrival.

This week media houses facilitated by Rwanda released news of Baroza hiding in Sweden, this is not possible since the same Baroza is implicated in gross abuse of human rights, the ICC case in which Baroza and many others are implicated is well documented, giving him no right to seek asylum in any European Country for atrocities committed by himself.

Non of these inhuman former police officers can dare step foot in any European country and seek asylum under the 1950 Geneva convention which bars human rights abusers from having the right to asylum.

Baroza is hiding in Rwanda, information coming out is aimed at blinding Ugandan intelligence that Rwanda has nothing to do with him, in reality they will kill him and dump him back in Uganda since he is becoming a liability to them now.

What Kagame did is to facilitate all small medias in Uganda to write stories in its support as they continue to undermine Uganda's security, these websites are known for their service by intelligence organizations.


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