{UAH} Fwd: Making Tisha B’Av a Roman holiday; how a Jewish soldier in WWII survived a Nazi POW camp; the revolutionary ‘Jewish Catalog’; more
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Date: 22 July 2018 16:01:55 BST
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Subject: Making Tisha B'Av a Roman holiday; how a Jewish soldier in WWII survived a Nazi POW camp; the revolutionary 'Jewish Catalog'; more
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July 22, 2018
Roman Holiday Simone Somekh
How Jews observe Tisha B'Av in Rome, where the Arch of Titus commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem
Personal History / Milton Feldman
Fighting for the Americans, Captured by the Germans, Freed by the SovietsHow a Jewish-American soldier in WWII survived in a POW camp—and even managed to celebrate Passover under the Nazis' noses
Culture News / Shaul Magid
Richard Siegel and 'The Jewish Catalog'The lead author of the field guide to late 1960s and '70s countercultural Judaism died last week
Observance / Jonathan Zimmerman
Finding God in the WildernessHiking the Appalachian Trail—once before Tisha B'Av—taught me the essence of observance
Observance / Yoav Schaefer and Jacob Samuel Abolafia
The Real Lesson of Tisha B'AvThe holiday frequently brings sermons about Jewish unity, but the story of the destruction of the Temple offers a very different message
WATCH: The Pilot Episode of Israel's Hottest New TV Show, With English Subtitles 'When Heroes Fly' is your next addiction
Mark Zuckerberg: Holocaust Deniers on Facebook Are Making an Honest Mistake Everybody gets it wrong sometimes, says the morally oblivious oligarch
Why 'Downton Abbey' Was the Frummest Show on Television The show's universe is a world where rules matter, just like my Orthodox upbringing
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