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Hillary Clinton Donor Clare Bronfman Arrested In NXIVM Sex Cult Case

JULY 25, 2018 11:52 AM  


·        Hillary Clinton donor Clare Bronfman has been arrested as part of the case against upstate New York’s NXIVM sex cult.

Above: Clare Bronfman

The cult was financed by Bronfman and led by Keith Raniere and Allison Mack, who are both charged with human trafficking.

Bronfman reportedly performed human experiments on people at the cult’s Rainbow Cultural Garden, according to a former cult employee. Bronfman also reportedly hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails through emails that Clinton exchanged with Bronfman’s father Edgar.

USA Today reports: “Three other people — including NXIVM co-founder Nancy Salzman and her daughter, Lauren — were arrested in the Albany area in connection with the NXIVM case on Tuesday, according to Tyler Daniels, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Bronfman, the Salzmans and Kathy Russell will be arraigned on racketeering conspiracy charges Tuesday afternoon. Lauren Salzman will also face two other conspiracy charges. Bronfman, who lives in the Albany area, is a longtime bankroller of NXIVM, which was founded by Salzman and Keith Raniere in the late 1990s.”

A former top employee of the NXIVM sex cult tells Big League Politics that Democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s stepmother was an active member of the upstate New York cult while Gillibrand’s father actually worked for the cult.

NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack are standing trial on human-trafficking and child sex trafficking charges. The cult’s benefactors donated lavishly to Hillary Clinton and even hacked Hillary Clinton’s non-secure emails.

“I think I realized Raniere was a Luciferian. “Before that, I just thought he was a guy who liked to have sex with a lot of women and necessarily sleep all day,” says Frank Parlato of Keith Raniere, who was recorded identifying himself as a “demon.”

“There is no doubt in my mind Raniere had sex with girls from age 12 to 15 many times. As for Chihuahua last year – something happened. What exactly, I don’t know, but it was not pretty and it involved Raniere and a number of teen girls from Chihuahua. Rosa Laura Junco may know. The Lebaron’s may know. The girls – who are back in Chihuahua – know. Whether they will tell, is anybody’s guess.”

Frank Parlato, former NXIVM publicist who has exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women, told Big League Politics that the cult is nothing less than a Satanic organization with ties to major Democratic politicians and an extremely disturbing record with children.


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