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{UAH} Investing in Uganda - UNAA Seattle Trade and Investments Forum

10th Annual Uganda/North America Trade and Investments Expo

at the

30th Annual UNAA Convention

Seattle, WA

Friday August 31, 2018

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


A key aspect of the trade and investments forum is a drive to encourage Diasporan Ugandans  to invest “back home.”  So let us look at this from a very basic perspective and ask ourselves why we in the North American Diaspora should even consider investing “back home.”


Imagine if 5 years ago you had converted $1,000.00 into Uganda Shillings at an exchange rate of US$ 1 = UGX 2,500 (UGX 2,500,000.00) and placed it in a fixed deposit account at one of the commercial banks in Uganda at a 10% annual return.  Today, that investment would be worth about UGX 4,026,000.  However the dollar equivalent of this return today, at the current exchange rate of US$ 1 = UGX 3,843, would be $1,048.00 – a net return of about 4.8% on your principal – over the entire 5-year period.



Now let us look at a different investment also made 5 years ago.  An investor reluctantly paid UGX 30 million (about US$ 12,000.00) for a roughly 1/2 acre of land on a hill overlooking Lake Victoria in an under-developed area near Kampala called Kigo.  To prevent squatters, the investor leased the property to a local farmer for UGX 500,000.00 a year.  The property is currently valued at over UGX 200 million ($52,000.00) – a 5-year return on investment of over 400%.


Join us in Seattle this coming Labor Day weekend for the 10th Annual Trade and Investments Forum at the UNAA Convention for in-depth discussions on investment opportunities in Uganda that could potentially yield double digit annual returns.  Participants will include government and business leaders from Uganda and several local US companies like Microsoft and Boeing.


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