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{UAH} Jewish newspapers claim Corbyn poses 'existential threat'

Mike Ocaya p'Ocure,/ Mr Rajab Ali/ Mayimuna/ Afuwa kasule/ Semuwemba/ Ahmed Katerega/ Edward Mo irundrua

The Jewish establishment have declared war on Jeremy Corbyn and are fighting a very dirty war against  the Labour Party. They know we are on the verge of winning power in the UK and they desperately want to derail the prospect.

 It is oxymoron to accuse Jeremy Corbyn of being anti-semitic. The Labour party will never accept the zionist policy of the current Israeli state. Opposing Zionism is not the same as being anti-semitic.

The dilemma Jeremy Corbyn is facing with the jews is the same one I face with the Muslims. The Jewish accusations against Corbyn are the same ones of Islamophobia that my muslim friends keep hurling at me-  but  being anti-Islam does not mean being anti-Muslim. It is the same mistake the Jewish establishment is making- except their mistake is deliberate and carefully orchestrated. for political purposes.

This is now the fourth coup  attempt against Jeremy Corbyn and his leadership of the Labour Party, but this is more insidious and disgusting because it is premised on racist or religious grounds. The Jews want the Labour Party to recognise them as a superior race. We will never accept such a proposition. This coup attempt, like others before it, will be heavily defeated.. The jewish establishment, even in alliance with right wing elements in the Labour party, will never be able to stop the forward march of the wheels of history. We want to get rid of the corrupt Tory government and put in place a government that governs for the many and not the few. We also want to change the world for the better, including liberating the Palestinian people.

Marxists have never been racists. Karl Marx himself was a Jew, and so have most of the eminent Marxist revolutionaries over the generations. But under no circumstances will Marxists ever be forced to endorse the Zionist policy of the Israeli state. The Israeli state is a fascist state- similar in all respects to the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler and the apartheid regime in South Africa. In no way can any Marxist support such a vile and murderous regime. The Israeli state needs to be dismantled and to to be replaced by a democratic state that ensures Palestinian self determination as well as protects minority rights.


Jewish newspapers claim Corbyn poses 'existential threat'

Joint editorial says Labour has tolerated antisemitism since he became leader

Jeremy Corbyn
 The editorial from three papers claims 'Corbynite contempt' has harmed the Jewish community. Photograph: Murdo Macleod/Guardian

A government led by Jeremy Corbyn would pose an existential threat to Jewish life in the UK, a joint editorial published by the country's three most prominent Jewish newspapers has claimed.

The Jewish ChronicleJewish News and Jewish Telegraph each produced similar front pages for their Thursday editions attacking the Labour party's decision not to fully absorb an internationally accepted definition of antisemitism into its code of conduct, and its wider record on the issue since Corbyn became leader in 2015.

In their joint editorial, they said the party was until recently the natural home for the Jewish community, but that Labour had "seen its values and integrity eroded by Corbynite contempt for Jews and Israel" and now faced being seen as institutionally racist.

The papers said: "The stain and shame of antisemitism has coursed through her majesty's opposition since Jeremy Corbyn became leader in 2015." They produced the joint editorial "because of the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.

"With the government in Brexit disarray, there is a clear and present danger that a man with a default blindness to the Jewish community's fears, a man who has a problem seeing that hateful rhetoric aimed at Israel can easily step into antisemitism, could be our next prime minister."

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