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{UAH} Mueller probe targets Roger Stone with subpoena of ‘Manhattan Madam’

Roger Stone is interviewed by Anderson Cooper on July 20, 2018. (Screengrab via CNN)

Roger Stone is interviewed by Anderson Cooper on July 20, 2018. (Screengrab via CNN)

Pretty much everyone assumes that Roger Stone, a longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, is a targetof special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Stone even admitted he was the unnamed "U.S. person" mentioned in last week's indictments of 12 Russian intelligence agents for hacking into Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Things appear to be getting worse for Stone, now that Mueller has subpoenaed Kristin Davis, the infamous "Manhattan Madam" who also is a former Stone aide. Davis' lawyer is reportedly"negotiating the scope of the subpoena with Mueller's team."

Davis was jailed for running a prostitution ring that was used by New York governor Elliot Spitzer, who resigned in 2008 after he was caught admitting he was a client. Stone managed Davis' short-lived 2010 gubernatorial campaign in New York.

Stone suggested Mueller's subpoena of Davis could be payback for his "reporting" on Infowars during an appearance on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 Friday night:

"In my view, in all honesty, this is a fishing expedition. Perhaps it is the payback for the fact that I broke the story yesterday on Infowars that Tony Podesta has been, that the special counsel has asked for immunity for him in the Manafort investigation, or the Manafort prosecution. I know that has not yet been reported on CNN, but I reported it yesterday at Infowars. I have multiple sources. Fox has also reported it. I believe it to be true. Perhaps this is payback for that."

A former Fox News reporter told ThinkProgress that Trump's 2016 campaign colluded with Russia through Stone. In an August 2016 email exchange that was publishedin April, Stone admitted to meeting recently with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange. Stone also tweeted about the release of stolen documents from the Clinton campaign before WikiLeaks posted them. Trump's Justice Department has linked WikiLeaks to Russian intelligence.

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