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More Evidence Uncovered Shows Obama Spied On Trump Illegally As Early As 2015

JULY 21, 2018 11:55 AM  


More evidence uncovered that shows that Obama team illegally spied on the Trump team as early as 2015.

As we reported previously, in early June the US Senate released over 500 pages of information related to the Spygate scandal. Hidden in the information were unredacted Strzok – Page texts that show the FBI initiated actions to insert multiple spies in the Trump campaign in December 2015.

Also, according to far left LA Times, Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016. But Comey appears to have lied about this.


Tony Shaffer



I'd call this evidence of collusion and wrongdoing...

5:52 PM - Jun 4, 2018




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The texts released from corrupt FBI investigator Peter Strzok to corrupt FBI attorney Lisa Page state the following –

BOMBSHELL- From DECEMBER 2015–The word LURES is redacted by FBI but not OIG; OCONUS LURES; OCONUS= Outside Contiguous US LURES= In this context LURES = SPIES – multiple – Is this an admission that the FBI wanted to run a baited Sting Op using foreign agents against Trump?”

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1) BOMBSHELL- From DECEMBER 2015–The word LURES is redacted by FBI but not OIG


OCONUS= Outside Contiguous US

LURES= In this context LURES = SPIES - multiple

Is this an admission that the FBI wanted to run a baited Sting Op using foreign agents against Trump?

12:22 PM - Jun 4, 2018




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Additional information provides support that Obama spied on citizen Trump as early as 2015. It was reported in government records that Obama’s spy, Stefan Halper, was awarded a contract in September of 2015.

However a review of Guccifer 2.0’s hack of the DNC shows that there was no reason for the Obama administration to spy on Trump. According to the files released by Guccifer 2.0, the list of items in the report put together by the DNC to attack Trump do not include a single mention of Trump and Russia.

Obama’s DNC created a report on candidate Trump with points to attack Trump on that omitted any mention of Russia. This report was prepared by the time the campaign for President started and was released by Guccifer 2.0 in June of 2016.

The problem with Obama spying on Trump before July 2016 is that it is against FBI rules –

Retired assistant FBI director for intelligence Kevin Brock also has questions. Brock supervised an agency update to their longstanding bureau rules governing the use of sources while working under then-director Robert Mueller. These rules prohibit the FBI from directing a human source to perform espionage on an American until a formal investigation has been opened – paperwork and all.

Brock sees oddities in how the Russia case began. “These types of investigations aren’t normally run by assistant directors and deputy directors at headquarters,” he told me. “All that happens normally in a field office, but that isn’t the case here and so it becomes a red flag. Congress would have legitimate oversight interests in the conditions and timing of the targeting of a confidential human source against a U.S. person.” -The Hill

The problem with Comey lying about the start date of the Trump counterintelligence campaign before Congress is that it is against the law.

Let’s hope this all can be brought to light as soon as possible so Americans can at least know the facts of the illegal campaign to spy on Trump.

hat tip D. Manny

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