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{UAH} UNAA Seattle Political Forum - Discussing Corruption in Uganda

The Political Forum

at the

30th Annual UNAA Convention

Seattle, WA

Saturday September 1, 2018


Corruption is cited as one of the most debilitating factors in Ugandan society today.  So what is this corruption?

Transparency International describes corruption as follows.

-          Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. It can be classified as grand, petty and political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs.

-          Corruption corrodes the fabric of society. It undermines people’s trust in political and economic systems, institutions and leaders. It can cost people their freedom, health, money – and sometimes their lives.

Corruption can be found in every sector of Ugandan society – from the halls of government to rural villages.  In many ways, it is effectively an additional tax on the daily lives of citizens that erodes their very standards of living and hinders economic progress.

Corruption in Uganda is also frequently cited by potential investors as a principle reason for choosing to invest in other countries over Uganda and by many aid programs and non-government agencies as a significant impediment to their efforts in the country.


Join us this coming Labor Day weekend as we ask visiting politicians from Uganda to address this, and other, very contentious issues during the Political Forum at the 30th Annual  UNAA Convention in Seattle.




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