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{UAH} "What happened to houses of Asians who were expelled by Idi Amin":

"What happened to houses of Asians who were expelled by Idi Amin": 

Earlier this month, while appearing before the Land Commission, the Minister of Lands was grilled on how her company came to have interests in certain properties in and around Kampala. 

It eventually turned out that some of these properties, including the ones in Kololo were formerly owned by Asians who were expelled by President Idi Amin. 

Here is a short history of how these properties came about. 


During colonial days, Britain colonised a number of nations including India and eventually expanded to Africa. 

When the British took over Uganda as a Protectorate, Asians were brought in to help build the protectorate including trade and construction of the railway lines. 

A number of laws were made including the "Native African Trade Ordinance", which prohibited Africans from trading within a range of 8 miles from any trading center. 

In order to try and undo the wrongs, the first attempt to limit Asians from trading in Uganda was by President A.M Obote, who urged Asian businesses to sell stakes to the Ugandan government. 

The second and last attempt was by President Idi Amin who systematically expedited the expulsion process using a mix of the law and other means. 

Idi Amin started with the "Trade Licensing Act", which prohibited Asians from trading at certain trading centers. This was soon followed by the "Departed Asians Decree", which officially expelled Asians, and their property was given to government, who then distributed it to citizens, albeit in a very disorganized manner leading to economic collapse.

In order to reverse the expulsion, the current Ugandan government came up with the Expropriated Property Act, which restricts dealings in certain property. 

However, not everyone came back to claim this property and in many cases, fraudulent claims were made by people not entitled to them. 

Taking advantage of this mismanagement, a number of people took over property which they are not entitled to, which has in some cases led to matters ending up in Court. 

So, before purchasing property especially in towns and trading centers, please cross check to make sure it does not fall in the category of "Expropriated Properties".

Allaah gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him."And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)

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