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{UAH} 9/11 Revisited: Live Mainstream Media Coverage Conflicts with Official Story

9/11 remains the most important US event in the 21st century. This video created by TruthStream Media is a great collection of initial live local news reports. Many things were said live, as events unfolded which were never again repeated after 11:12AM. Some of these reports were later said to have never happened, including 1. Fire on the Washington Mall; 2. Fire on Capitol Hill; 3. Car bomb at the State Department and; 4. Plane crash at Camp David.


At the World Trade Center, there were official reports of numerous explosions and of "secondary-" and "ancillary blasts". The CBS affiliate reported that it was a "third explosion" which "caused" the South Tower to fall down at 9:58:59AM and Fox also reported a "fourth explosion".


After the North Tower collapsed at 10:28:22AM, a CBS reporter at the scene said that "another explosion" had occurred at 10:44AM.


In DC, after the Pentagon was hit, CBS reported a fire at the Washington Mall, while ABC said the State Department had additionally confirmed that a car bomb exploded outside its headquarters.


Reports about what happened at the Pentagon shifted as the day wore on. There were initial eyewitness reports of a "tail of a plane" striking the Pentagon. Then there was a report about a helipad at the Pentagon blowing up and later, a car bomb was reported to be the cause of the collapse of a section of the Pentagon.


As to the number of planes hijacked, CBS said "intelligence sources" reported "actually 8 planes that were hijacked" with one headed for "some target in the Texas area." Then, American Airlines confirmed losing contact with "two more flights." A plane was then reported "crashed at or near Camp David," the country retreat of the US President located 62 miles northwest of DC in the wooded hills of the Thurmont Naval Support Facility. This plane was later reported as having been "forced down" by the US Air Force and the State Department's website quoted Secretary of State Colin Powell as saying, "Other planes crashed elsewhere in the United States, one crashed near Camp David and the other crashed out in Western Pennsylvania**." ("**Correction: No plane crashed near Camp David.")


In speculating the reason for the attacks, CBS noted that September 11th was the "anniversary of the Camp David Accords" (with US President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin) and "speculation that the attacks were retaliation for US support for the State of Israel," (however, the 23rd anniversary of the 1978 Camp David Accords were on September 17th).


CBS said, this terrorist attack "...comes just a few weeks before there was supposed to be a major world gathering of Jewish leaders on the 23rd of September, that was supposed to be bringing in people from all around the country and around the world to voice support for Israel in its battles with the Palestinians in fact all of the Israeli leaders were expected to attend..." and this was when the Bin Laden narrative started getting worked in: "Just three weeks ago, Osama Bin Laden...had promised an unprecedented attack on US interests because of this country's support for the Nation of Israel."


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