UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




I need to take a moment and raise a few issues on the damage fake media does to all of us as a society. Even though we go to vote in these countries, political party’s actually do not behave differently, but the press brings them back in line. When Donald came to power he started to attack the media nonsense, a nonsense that lied to everyone that he had no chance to win the presidency. I stood in this very forum and burnt literary years warning the members of this forum how Trump is going to win the election, but the Democrat mob sitting in this forum used fake media to attack my truths. Fake media protected The Democrats from the day Hillary stood to the day she lost and to the day she will die. In doing so the party has failed to grow, it has literally stalled to a point of today being taken over by immigrants from autocratic countries. Central Americans are using the party to campaign how under The Democrats they are going to run United States like Venezuela. Africans are using the Democratic party to become public mob. And it is very true, specific actions are made by specific immigrants from specific countries. Most of the worker unions in North America that have become violent have become violent because they are taken over by Irish immigrants. Look closely at riots in these cities, when we see a Police Dog we run back, but Irish immigrants attack the dogs, they stab Police Horses. We never saw that before Irish immigrants took over unions. The moment The Democrat party became taken over by Africans, Central Americans, and Jamaicans, the hunt and take down of opposing party members out of restaurants started. Fake media covered all that up and never reported it, the Brett Kavanaugh hearing exposed how deep is violence in the party.


The poor judge became attacked by a mob in a hearing, where The Democrats were led by Senator Cory Booker, a Democrat from New Jersey, a man we all know that he raped a 15 year old. Fake media covered all that crap up when he was molesting judge Brett Kavanaugh.


But fake media rejects to inform us what the government does, there are so many good things happening in United States today, fake media does not report them. I am submitting to you the Kanye West visit to the Oval yesterday. Fake media jumped on it and recycled it over and over. And it does not matter how smart is Kanye West, but when he makes songs and you buy them in millions, then turn around and call him a man with mental issue for he has talked to the president, then I wonder who has a more mental issue, is it Kanye West that talks to the president or you who buy his songs in the millions? But if mental issue allows one to make the kind of money Kanye West makes, please bring it on I need it today. The day Kanye West went to the White House it is the same day that Kid Rock showed up to the Oval office. Kid is a very old singer that has invested so much time in country music. Country music has been on the attack for it has not been protected at all. Kid Rock decided to go to Washington and raise the issue with politicians for the Democrats under Obama refused to solve the problem. A law was written and voted on, it passed and it was signed by the president to protect country music. Fake media refused to report it at all for it is a good job, it made a decision to feed the attack of Kanye West, and the mob in UAH ate the entire attack on the man. If Fake media decides that Kid Rock should not be covered, what else does it decide to hide from society? Now that the mob in UAH just swallow what fake media throws us.


But fake media creates narratives as well, you know for a very long time there has been this mantra of Donald Trump attacks and destroys everything that president Obama did, and the mob in UAH actually picked up on it and took it for God’s own truth. No actually Donald does not destroy what Obama did, but as a next intelligent president, he walks right through what Obama did, he leaves in the intelligent decisions he made, and he blows up the stupid decisions he made. The entire ObamaCare is not a bad bill, but man it  has pieces that need to be pissed on. What the president campaigned on was to put it on a surgery table, cut out the crap, bring in new body parts and rebuild it to a better bill. Let us remember that Democrats never allowed ObamaCare to be read and debated on, the term used was we have to pass it then you will read it. Paris Accord, Really? It was a trench dug to suck American tax payer’s money right out. There was no accountability to who to take it let alone who spends it, just an open blow hole pipe to send money to Europe, when American veterans are dying homeless. Tell me this what American president signs an agreement with Iran when Iran is manufacturing the bombs that kill American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan? Is that an intelligent decision?


After  the mud of Brett Kavanugh, the president went back to his list of judges and appointed a whopping 13 new nominations.  What is so important on these new nominations is that actually two of the judges he has just nominated, were nominated by president Barrack Obama. They failed to get a hearing for the 2016 election came up and Democrats left office. This president went through the appointments that Obama did and he liked two of them and they are back on the list today for the hearing.  Fake media did not mention this and neither did the Mob in UAH for it does not fit the narrative of Trump is out there to destroy the Obama’s legacy.


Feed on fake media at your very own peril

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
















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