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{UAH} FATAH: Toronto-area 'public' event was 'only for Muslims'

Mayimuna/ Gwokto/ Ikanos/ Ivan kampe,

Did you attend the ISLAMIC CIRCLE OF NORTH AMERICA (ICNA)  events that have been held in Toronto, to which luminaries like Linda Sarsour were invited? here is the Toronto Sun complaining bitterly that they were locked out.

Maybe you can give us an update on the great event.


FATAH: Toronto-area 'public' event was 'only for Muslims'

Video screenshot of Laura Loomer being told to leave the ICNA event.@AmyMek/Twitter video

Laura Loomer is no shrinking violet. Whether it is shaming Democratic congressman Keith Ellison who has recently come out denying allegations of domestic abuse, or disrupting a congressional hearing of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, the Arizona woman has become a citizen reporter trying to highlight issues that the mainstream media seems uncomfortable to handle.

Her detractors label her as the quintessential alt-right figure, though not too long ago it was the left that employed her tactics.

This Sunday, Loomer came to Canada and within no time managed to expose blatant religious discrimination by an Islamic group at their event "Carry the Light" that the mainstream dared not cover.

Loomer was here to listen to her polar opposite, the hijabi-wearing Linda Sarsour who had been invited to speak at an event open to "anyone seeking knowledge," hosted by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA).

Along with Sarsour was the Saudi-educated Islamic cleric Siraj Wahhaj, whose sons and daughters were recently involved in the New Mexico compound where it has been alleged by prosecutors children were trained to be school shooters.

Leading up to the event, ICNA made the following announcement on Facebook: "With suggestion from our esteemed scholar speakers at Carry the Light Conversation, we are pleased to announce that Sunday's entire day is now open free of cost for anyone seeking the knowledge. So please come with your family and friends and gain and spread the knowledge, the cost of the ticket is on us."

But as Loomer approached the entrance to the ICNA event on Sunday, she was stopped by a man in a dapper green jacket who told her the event "is free only for the Muslim community."

With Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy by her side, Loomer persisted: "So Christians and Jews are not welcome to this event? Only Muslims allowed?" she asked. Another man standing further back intervened and confirmed to Loomer that the event was "only for Muslims."

Before the exasperated Loomer could say another word, the man in the green jacket reached towards the camera and tried to stop the recording, insisting "it is against the law."

Goldy, who had been silent so far, intervened to remind the ICNA official: "It is against the law to discriminate on religious grounds, sir. That's against the law."

Flustered and caught on the wrong foot, the official then threatened to call the police.

"The police are right here," responded Loomer, gesturing to an officer immediately beside them. "Who are you going to call? The Sharia Police?"

In their invitation to the Sunday event ICNA boasted of its "vision … of love, compassion, and caring environment for all."

Sounds a lot like doublespeak and leads many to worry about what is said and taught behind the closed doors of events open "only for Muslims."

The challenge now is for ordinary Muslim Canadians to take back the leadership of their community. They should be on guard against the presence of any Islamists who are ideologically linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and the Jamaat-e-Islami.

If we don't, we will be seen as permanent outsiders in the West. Let's embrace Western Civilization and demolish the citadels behind which we sulk and curse the very values that allow us freedom of speech and the right to practice Islam.

If not, the path taken by Poland, Austria and Hungary is always an option unless Islamists stop apologizing for jihadis who keep attacking the West be it here in Toronto or the Dutch in Netherlands.

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