As a leader in promoting women's equality worldwide, the development sector has a leadership challenge of its own. So how can we bridge the gap between commitment and action to advance women's leadership in development?
#GlobalDevWomen Leadership Week, taking place from November 12 to 16, will explore some of the factors contributing to the gap along with tips for professionals and organizations on how to reach gender parity.
Through advice articles, opinion pieces from industry leaders, online events, and a virtual career fair for mid-to-senior level women professionals, this week is all devoted to closing the gender leadership gap. Make sure to
explore the site here.
☞ Mind the gap Here we take a deep dive into the factors contributing to the gender leadership gap, practical steps organizations can take to improve and the advantages having a balanced, diverse leadership team brings to an organization's mission.
Read more.
☞ Women @ work From balancing caretaker responsibilities, to dealing with microaggressions at the office, to negotiating a raise, we dig into some of the barriers holding women back in their careers and advice for how we can create more inclusive workplaces.
Read more.
☞ (Un)conscious bias
As a sector devoted to doing good, we often dismiss our own biases, conscious or not, that can create barriers for women and underrepresented populations to advance in their career. Here we dig into some of the personal and systemic biases negatively impacting women and how we can break through them.
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☞ Woman to woman
How did they do it? What would they do differently? Women leaders across the sector share their advice for aspiring leaders on how to break the glass ceiling.
Read more.
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