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{UAH} Lango MPs accuse govt of taking sides in Lira murder case

Lango MPs accuse govt of taking sides in Lira murder case


"These are very regrettable incidents that have happened and as representatives of the people of Lango, we are highly disappointed by the impunity being exhibited by investors and Asian traders," Jonathan Odur, Erute South MP. File photo 

By Moses Kyeyune

Parliament. Lawmakers from Lango Sub-region have accused the authorities of taking sides in the investigations surrounding the murder of an 11-year-old boy in Kole District about two weeks ago.
The murder of Dickens Okello, allegedly at the hands on two Indian nationals, led to attacks on Asian nationals and their businesses in Lira Town on Saturday, which led to clashes with the police and the military that left at least five people injured.
But the MPs, who included Santa Alum (Oyam District Woman), Sylvia Akello (Otuke Woman) and Jonathan Odur (Erute South), yesterday accused government of mishandling the matter.
Ms Alum told Parliament that Daniel Odong from Dokolo District was rounded up in connection with the violence and that he died in custody but that nothing has been said of his death.
The lawmakers also accused Minister of State for Internal Affairs Obiga Kania of presenting a fabricated report to Parliament on Tuesday.
In his statement, the minister said the violence started when the locals targeted foreign investors in Lira Town.
The minister also said Radio Unity in Lira was fuelling violence through a live broadcast of the hate speech at the funeral of Okello.
The legislators also raised concern with the Speaker, saying it was unfair for them to be denied an opportunity to discuss the minister's statement.

Request to Speaker
"We request that we are given time when the minister presents his restatement such that we also respond or participate in a way of helping the government better regulate the investment environment in the country," said Ms Alum.
The MPs said the Saturday clashes resulted from the fact that the locals have lost trust in government's legal institutions.
Mr Odur cited several incidents where locals have been offended by Asians in the area and justice has not been seen to be delivered.
He highlighted a case in 2013 at a local factory called Mt Meru Company where an Asian allegedly urinated on workers, saying he was spraying cockroaches.
In 2015, Mr Odur said, a number of young girls were gang raped by members of the Asian community and in April, a 16-year-old boy working at a local bakery owned by Asian investors was assaulted when hot pepper was pushed through his anus.
Whereas all cases were reported to the police, no action has been taken, the MPs said.
"These are very regrettable incidents that have happened and as representatives of the people of Lango, we are highly disappointed by the impunity being exhibited by investors and Asian traders," said Mr Odur.
The legislator said since the 1960s, the people of Lango have warmly welcomed the different races and tribes in the sub-region but the matter was running out of hand due to the absence of justice.
"Every time we have had an incident of human rights violation, the police have been very protective of the culprits; they have been very determined to frustrate all the attempts to secure justice for the victims," said Mr Odur.
He said it is such frustrations that boiled into the incident in Lira.
The Speaker advised that there should be a meeting between the Lango Parliamentary Group and the Internal Affairs minister to find a lasting solution.

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