{UAH} Upe/Use
Here is this shocking report on the total eclipse of Uganda's once excellent educational system. It is not even on its knees; It is flat on its back. Imagine, this is the same system that produced people like myself who write and speak English better than the the English themselves. Today our children are at the bottom of the heap in writing and counting skills. The UN Universal Primary Education: Millenium Development Goals seem to have been subverted and turned upside down as the Rwandan outlaw Museveni Kayibanda used them as a fig-leaf to destroy Uganda's once excellent public education system. Although meritocratic and accessible mainly to the well to do, Uganda's public education system was the best in Africa and compared very favourably with standards in the developed countries. But by dismantling this system, under the guise of providing Universal Education for all. Kayibanda instead succeeded in throwing out the water in the basin together with the baby in it. There is nobody now who will refute the conclusion that the UPE/USE have been an unmitigated disaster for Uganda and for the education of our children. In a stroke, Kayibanda has ensured that a whole generation, and now a second, are functionally illiterate, innumerate and uneducated. They go to school, but come out worse than when they went in. Its bogus mushrooming universities churn out graduates with qualifications not worth the paper they are written on and no employer will even look at, except only in Uganda.Politically, this has served Kayibanda well, because he thinks he now has to deal with a rapidly reducing educated elite, and a massively expanding illiterate population base that is easier to manipulate to his goal of a life presidency. More is the pity that we Ugandans did not suss him out, and did not take on the UN with its bogus idealistic policies which have led nowhere but have instead returned Uganda to the pre-colonial age, if not to the stone age..
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