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From: Daily Monitor <monitor@publisher-news.com>
Date: 12 December 2018 02:56:57 GMT
To: bobbyalcantara94@gmail.com
Subject: Daily Monitor Digest (12 December 2018)
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24,000 passports are ready for collection, in the first step towards transiting to E-passports
12 DECEMBER 2018 View in Browser
Government unveils first batch of E-Passports
Opinions & Editorial
Let's embrace national dialogue It should be remembered that national dialogue brings all the conversations under one umbrella to avoid ambiguity
Let's rid workplaces of sexual harassment Care Uganda's call is well-timed, coming on the day to commemorate the International Human Rights Day in Kampala
David W. Tindyebwa: A Ugandan hero who toiled, unrecognised, but had an impactful life We are now left to celebrate the life of a man who ought to have been called Honourable Tindyebwa while he lived
Goalie Ssekagya readies for CS Constantine clash after anxious start He has since shown signs of improvement keeping clean sheets in the last two games with match winning saves in both
Nabil, Meya chase new heights at Short Course Worlds No Ugandan swimmer has done better at an international short course event since but the Electric Eel swimmer has enough inspiration to break barriers
Unimoni T20 success seals best season for Aziz Damani Businessman Koti had won a black t-shirt on the day with a gigantic print of the face of an African lion, much to show much Damani had roared in the club cricket jungle this year
Somalia's president dodges impeachment move It specified control over Somalia's ports "and uniting the country with Ethiopia and Eritrea", two old enemies
France ships 1,400 assault rifles to Central Africa army French Defence Minister Florence Parly oversaw the handover at a ceremony at M'Polo military base in the capital Bangui
Russian activist fined for setting rats on politicians He told media the action was meant as an indictment of politicians "who do nothing for residents"
Prosper Magazine
Tourism: Uganda ends year healthier Although 2018 has had some political disturbances such as the chaos that ensued after the Arua bi-elections, the tourism industry has withered through
Employers will need 100, 000 workers, says survey Forty-eight per cent of the vacancies will be in the education sector, 23 per cent in administrative and support services
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