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{UAH} Onyango-Obbo: What the tale of Amanya and Tiberondwa teaches us


In his continuing series, Onyango-Obbo brings up the behind-the-scenes foundational ties that bound our publicly antagonistic politicians. 

Turns out, Amanya Mushega, despite his vitrolic attacks on the UPC government, was relying his brother-in-law and senior UPC Minister, Adonio Tiberondwa, for safety. 

And while Ado was busy castigating Amanya in parliament, apparently for the benefit of the public, he was secretly arranging for his driver to spirit Amanya away into exile.

So, was Ado betraying his government, or was he bound by culture and blood to rescue a family member from imminent danger? 

And what price was Ado prepared to pay, if security had tracked down Amanya, and determined that the get-away car belonged to the minister? I would likely do exactly what Ado did for Amanya.


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