{UAH} Found this by Abbey Semuwemba from March 13, 2013
Uganda Govt should help Ugandans abroad feel free and safe to travel back home anytime.
13MAR201353 Comments
Hon.Kyanjo is Okay now after the treatment from UK and he is now safely back in Uganda. We have been informed that he even attended the JEEMA meeting a few days ago and his speech was back. God has listened to our prayers!
That said, I think we need to arrange with General Kayihura and other big people in the government to start giving Ugandans in Diaspora who visit home some national tours such that… it reduces on the misleading statements we normally get on the UAH forum and other social networks.
Obviously, promises should be made that they are not going to be arrested for anything or harmed in any way. I just look at it as a way of building more bridges between us [outside the country] and those at home. At the moment, everybody is suspicious of everybody and people like Tony Owana(UBC), Katerega Ahmed(Newvision), and others in that category … aren't helping. This endless talk about poison and the fear of it is damaging the government and it's getting out of control.
What do you say, Gen. Kayihura? Are our forumists safe to visit home, connect with those in the government, make tours around the country, attend a few public functions while there and come back safely? Can you guarantee that they are safe and nothing will happen to them?
It's a shame that any of us would visit Uganda and don't make a trip , at least to see: Gen. Kayihura's office; Brother Ahmed Katerega at Newvision; Owana at UBC, Brother Faruk Kirunda and Sister Aisha Kabanda at Statehouse; Robert Atuhairwe at State House; and so many others in the government. And the only reason I can think of is that Ugandans are afraid of the people in the government. They think they will be arrested or tortured or harmed because of what they write on social networks about the government. So, people go into the country quietly and leave quietly, but it shouldn't be like that. So, is anybody in the government going to help us on this one or they are happy with the status quo?
We also need to have a representative from the minister of foreign affairs as a member of especially the UAH forum to make some notes for the government. A lot of good stuff are proposed here by the good brains from Diaspora but it all goes to waste……. Basically because nobody is making any notes. The Tamare mirundis only love radio shows at home but not suggestions from Diaspora. It's only Sister Sarah Kagingo that probably makes some effort to reach out to everybody.'
This is not only about Abbey Semuwemba as the moderator of Ugandans At Heart(UAH) but Ugandans in Diaspora wish to be safe from people who do not exist and who, if they did exist would not be presenting a threat to them. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Travel broadens the mind, you know .So, it's imperative that the Uganda government takes this issue seriously. The government should not close off the population outside the country as they probably know things people at home don't know. Let us continue engaging each other without anybody feeling that they are being threatened by anything or anybody.
If you keep shutting down these people as some of you in government are doing, they will continue developing conspiracy theories around you. You know what they say about one lie leading to another, then another!
Here's the rub. Get two or three people from the government to open up email addresses or accounts on face book with the sole purpose of engaging Ugandans in Diaspora about different issues. If any of them is arrested or kidnapped (as some people call it), there should be someone in government specifically to fight for their release immediately. I'm saying 'immediately' because people request for such 'holidays' from their places of work, and time means a lot to Ugandans in Diaspora. If they are killed, there must be someone to offer a proper explanation compared to the confusion we witnessed during the death of Hon.Nebanda.
With a lot of questions, engagements, discussions and investigations, perhaps it will be the start of something beneficial to everyone. Obviously that can only be achieved in the sense of participatory agreements. Everyone cooperates, everyone profits, the country prospers, everyone's happy, the rest of the world is left with less to negatively talk about Uganda.
I'm not trying to convert anyone to anything or telling anybody what to do. I'm certainly not using this message as a bait for the government to kill Ugandans in Diaspora who pass via Entebbe Airport. I have my own fish to reel in. In fact I do not know how I would push anyone to do travel directly to Kampala if they are scared of doing it.
It's simply a fallacy to suppose that only a state can provide safety in a country as ours yet Safety in one's home country is something people routinely value. Government does not promise a hereafter. That's why it's important that the government engages security organs/ security people around the country; sensitize them about our feelings towards them and their behaviour………….. such that we come to some sort of understanding on certain situations.
It could be argued that the very survival of the Museveni government is actually dependant on the fact that they regularly face hostile opposition (both at home and abroad). The cycle has repeated itself countless times over the millennia: Ugandans abroad enter the country through our porous borders; do whatever they have to do; and then come back to oppose the government.
The unfortunate result has been "silent persecutions" if caught by the state; not learning anything positive or new from their country during their stay; failure to engage important people and colleagues -time after time after time. Every time they pull the tiger's tail, they get scratched. Of course, they blame the tiger. Is that what some of you would like to continue?
Of course, It is not uncommon to find those within the government who actually applaud these bad actions against some members from Diaspora that attempt to go home either to visit or stay permanently. For instance, didn't you read the response I got from Owekitibwa Tony Owana when I first introduced this issue? I thought we could use such an influential person in the media to advocate for the peaceful return and safety at home of Ugandans in Diaspora, but his response totally disappointed me. I'd almost be willing to bet that Mr.Owana Tony would feel some sort of satisfaction if any of the vocal people here on UAH or other social networks are arrested or killed by the government at home.
But we won't give up engaging other sober minds at home to see that Ugandans abroad feel free and safe to travel back home. People have been convinced that we have got some sort of total military dictatorship at home. Anything could happen to one walking down on streets and police would do nothing. People are scared of poison and bullets. Everybody is scared, and this is not good for the country both in the short and long run. We need to start from somewhere, thus, my suggestions to General Kayihura and others in the government.
Nze bwendaba banange
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