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{UAH} What is the most brutal truth about Trump supporters?

Justin Chevet
Justin Chevet, studied at Georgia State University

well, as one who voted for Trump, please let me answer! :)

we are racist, white supremacists, enraged by a changing America where some of our neighbors have a darker shade of skin tonality. In secret, we are seething in jealousy that when WE attempt to attain such a mocha skinned look by getting drunk and sitting out in the sun, we just look like lobsters.
we therefore funnel our rage through ICE raids and ahem, "kids in cages"! LOL

Many of us were divorced, cheated on by our girlfriends and/or had extremely overbearing mothers, so the idea of having a woman for president was just so goddamned unpalatable, we voted for ahem……the next Hitler.

oh and PLEEEEZE do not get us started on how angry we were that a black president (who was half white, raised in Hawaii by white parents but whatevs) was the best president ever and was so effete and elegant.

How inferior we felt to his list of legislative achievements during his year and half as a Senator, ….uhm scratch that! How inferior we felt to his stellar accomplishments in the private sector and his professional resume, ……oh, uhm sratch that also. Well, whatever! I mean he took great pictures and had a really nice family, so he was better than us and we were very very very angry at him for that!

We feel so inferior to "progressives" and their fancy college degrees. I mean all we do is do useless mindless shit like wire grids for entire buildings, install plumbing so houses can have running water and toilets, and dumb stuff like that. But deep down we know that we will never amount to someone so genius as to go 100K in debt for a women's philosophy degree!

we know that our mere existence is accountable for "climate change" and we are responsible for whatever natural disaster may occur next, we just dont know nor can predict what it is. But be sure, it will be because of CLIMATE CHANGE! and it will be OUR FAULT!

and being that we are sooo stupid and cannot formulate a thought for ourselves, we wait ever so anxiously to get our indoctrinated, anti government fascism/racism from the ever so dreaded "faux news"! yeah! Naked and without the jedi like wisdom of a gender studies degree, we cannot see how hypnotizing ONE cable station is that pulls in maybe 4% of the US population, mostly over the age of 50. But never mind that! and this ever so influential Faux news puts these crazy, conspiracy ideas in our dense but compact minds about how miserable Venezuela and Cuba are, when we really know that Scandinavia is the only TRUE measure of socialism success, even though they are really pretty capitalistic, but never mind that! lol

I mean you get the gist here!
I could go on and on and put up my front about how the economy is soaring right now, with lowest unemployment in over half a century, record consumer/investor confidence as indicated by our robust stock market. I could go on with my front about how I am glad to see ISIS gone, instead of swallowing up two countries and whose chaos spills into Europe.
But you guys are smart enough to know that is simply code speak for how angry and terrified I am because I am white and can no longer exert my imperialist rule over the rest of the world while I sit in my privileged country club with those other "evil rich white men"!

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