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Poll Finds Two-Thirds Of Voters Think Dems More Interested In Impeachment Than Passing Legislation. A Majority Of Dem Voters Agree.

Posted by Hank Berrien | Dec 19, 2019

According to a Zogby Analytics survey taken just before the impeachment vote on Wednesday, impeaching President Trump will genuinely hurt the Democrats in 2020, as 67% of voters said that they “believe the Democrats are more interested in impeaching the president as opposed to passing legislation.”

Even more astonishing was this tidbit: 53% of Democrats agreed with that statement.

Jonathan Zogby told The Washington Examiner, “This feeling of politics first permeated a majority of every subgroup: all felt that Democrats in Congress were more concerned with impeaching the president rather than passing legislation that helps Americans.”

Breaking it down into various groups, the Examiner noted that 69% of men, 65% of women (65%), 54% of voters aged 18-29, 56% of Hispanics (56%), 61% of African Americans, 67% of  Independents, ad 67% of suburban voters agreed wirth that statement.

Although Democrats brag about all the bills they have passed, a great number of those bills have leftist goals that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is determined to block. He said last April of the GOP controlling the Senate after the 2020 elections, “If I’m still the majority leader in the Senate think of me as the Grim Reaper. None of that stuff is going to pass.”

As The Daily Wire reported on Wednesday, a new Gallup poll showed a majority of Americans disapproving of impeachment. Fox News reported of the Gallup poll, “A new poll released hours before the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives was poised to impeach President Trump indicates that by a slight 51-45 percent majority, Americans oppose removing the president from office … According to Gallup, Americans supported impeachment by a 52-46 margin. And the poll, which was conducted Dec. 2–15, indicates that the Republican incumbent’s approval rating has edged up the past two months — from 39% in October to 45% now — as the House held blockbuster public hearings.”

The Daily Wire added, “The latest Gallup poll lends further support to the polls from Quinnipiac University, PBS/NPR/Marist, and USA Today/Suffolk University all generally showing that support for impeachment among independent voters has further decreased. In the battleground states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — the Democrats have fared even worse.”

Last week, President Trump stated of the impeachment proceeding, “It’s a very sad thing for our country, but it seems to be very good for me politically. And again, those people, because I watched some of the dishonest fake media, they say, ‘Well, the polls have remained the same.’ No, the polls have not remained the same … the polls have gone through the roof for Trump – especially with independent voters, and especially in swing states. I could show you numbers that nobody has ever seen numbers like this before.”

The Daily Wire noted:

The average of ten “job approval” polls taken in the lead-up to Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announcing a formal impeachment inquiry on September 24 had the president at 44.7% approval. Currently, President Trump’s approval sits at 43.9%, according to RealClearPolitics. While disapproval numbers in the ten polls prior to the announcement of the inquiry averaged 52.6%, they currently average 53.5%, according to RealClearPolitics, meaning the president’s net approval has moved from -7.9% to -9.6% since the impeachment inquiry began.

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