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{UAH} A shocked Iraq reconsiders its ties with US

I do not think at this point Iraq really needs a relationship with United States, what Iraq needs is a relationship with their neighbors to beat off Iran. Way back during the Bush days, GW Bush built a coalition of the willing, to go after Iraq Sadam Hussein, that coalition was built by the Western countries, UK Germany Canada France and so on. Today in 2020 that coalition is still stuck into Iraq with an unfinished war, so many years down the road. This president decided to do it the different way, he is going to go after Iran, with a coalition, not a coalition of Western Countries, but a coalition of Arab states. That coalition was started on the trip he made to Saudi Arabia. He called on all Moslem countries to stand up, and fight the terrorists among them, he called them to raise the funds, and weapons to fight them. There is no reason Western countries should go to Middle East to fight their wars, those wars must be fought by Middle Eastern countries themselves.


Now will he help them into fighting those terrorists? Yes he will help them when the need raises up, and neutralizing General Solemani last Friday, is a good start in strengthening that Moslem countries against the terrorist Iran.


That is a good Gad Damn firkin foreign policy, than countries remaining Monkeys on the backs of American tax payers for life.


EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: <> On Behalf Of Gwokto La'Kitgum
Sent: Sunday, January 5, 2020 12:25 AM
Subject: {UAH} A shocked Iraq reconsiders its ties with US


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