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CHANGE OF GUARDS - Last month, Gen. (Rtd) Kasirye Gwanga died following his controversial short detention by the army in Mbuya Military Barracks. Since 1982, when he was with the UFM guerrilla arny, Museveni used Kasirye Gwanga to spy on Buganda nationalism. For the 33 years that Kasirye Gwanga spent in Museveni's army, Gwanga was only militarily active for less than five years. Instead, he was kept redundant for almost three decades. During all this period, he was being elevated in ranks and attended one inland military course (Officers Basic Course at Bombo) and two command courses abroad at prestigious USA military academies earning him the title of Passed Staff College (Psc). At no single moment was Gen. Kasirye Gwanga given an opportunity to practice the skills he had acquired from these military courses. To dupe him, Museveni appointed Gwanga as Senior Presidential Advisor on Buganda Affairs. What befell Gen. Kasirye Gwanga's military career is what several of his ethnic Baganda peers in Museveni's army have been subjected to. To mitigate his frustration, Gen. Kasirye Gwanga had resorted to behaving controversially in his public life. From controversial public statements to misuse of his gun on those who dared to to cross his way, Gen. Kasirye Gwanga enjoyed impunity. Within military circles, he was a nuisance but his comical conduct was a source of entertainment for millions of Ugandans and hence why he is widely mourned and missed.

However, since the circumstances that account for Museveni's treatment of Baganda and in particular those in military service still exist, the need for another Muganda to fit into Gen. Kasirye Gwanga"s shoes is a priority.  A quick search for a suitable replacement revealed the following line up:

The former Economics Lecturer at Makerere University, before he founded his "The economy" newspaper in 1980, formed his own guerrilla army called VUMBULA which operated in areas of Zirobwe in Luwero to fight the UPC government. It armament mainly consisted of home made guns and other traditional weapons. Just as had been the case with Andrew Kayiira's UFM, Museveni and his NRA in Luwero moved to neutralize Kakooza Mutale's Vumbula rebel group. After failed negotiations, Kakooza Mutale and his group were coerced into joining the guerilla NRA. Another group based in Galiraya, Kayunga, that was led by David Matovu, persistently refused to join hands with Museveni's NRA. When the NRA took power, Capt. David Matovu became a jail bird of the late 1980s over treasonous allegations.

Once with the NRA, Kakooza Mutale was assigned political mobilisation of civilians in the NRA controlled areas. During the NRA Interim Government that administered western Uganda (Aug 1985 - Jan 1986), Kakooza Mutale took charge of the two so-called Political Schools that were responsible for indoctrination of cadres. From Mugusu and Kijuura in Tooro, Kakooza Mutale moved his Political School to a forest in Namugongo where he became the Director after Museveni took power.  Owing to lack of coordination, Kakooza Mutale's bush camp was mistakenly attacked by the NRA leading to the death and injury of several of his trainees for which he was not reprimanded. The incident sent Kakooza Mutale off the public limelight for much of the late 1980 and early 1990s.  However, Museveni appointed Kakooza Mutale as Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs and Mutale remained Museveni's underground mobilizer in Buganda.

In 1998, Kakooza Mutale publicly criticized the Kabaka of Buganda for opposing pf the Land Bill.  The Baganda prayed forMutale's death and even bought a coffin for his burial. In 1999, he supported Buganda's rebel princesses who had claimed that Kabaka Mutebi was not the legitimate king since he wasn't Mutesa's son. Museveni deployed soldiers to guard the said princess and company and the Kasubi Tombs. It was Owek Joyce Ssebugwawo who led youthful rioters that chased the soldiers from Kasubi Tombs. During the 2001 General Elections, Mutale's militant Kalangala Action Plan (KAP) was at hand to brutally suppress opposition entities. He had founded KAP in 1996 as a repressive machinery against the presidential bid by the opposition's Paul Ssemogerere. KPA was founded under the guise of engagement in agricultural and educational programs funded by Museveni's government.

During the tightly contested 2001 presidential elections, Kakooza Mutale's KAP militants unleashed a campaign of terror against the supporters of opposition candidate, Dr. Kiiza Besigye. The army seconded soldiers to KAP as i's  'Special Operations' with the blessing of Museveni; it provided them with arms. With its offices at Sure House in the city centre, KAP would carry out arbitrary arrests, detain and violently attack political opponents throughout the country. His heinousness crimes against political opposition was rewarded by Museveni in July 2001 with appointment as a cabinet position of Minister of State. However, Mutale turned down the appointment in what he described as a preference for remaining focused on political mobilisation. Asked by reporters if he had feared that he would not be able to go through the Parliamentary Appointments Committee, he said that over half of Parliament were friendly to him before claiming that they "had passed through my hands and KAP alone had 39 members who are M.Ps."  In September 2003, he was dismissed by Museveni for failure to declare his wealth in accordance with the Leadership Code. Apparently, Museveni was its National Chairman.

In June 2004, Museveni reinstated Kakooza Mutale as his Senior Presidential Advisor on Political Affairs with instructions to have all Mutale's arrears paid in full. In April 2005, nine Cabinet Ministers reportedly joined KAP with Ssitenda Ssebalu as Coordinator and Chairman of KAP's Parliamentary Wing. The development came at a time Parliament was investigating the actions of KAP when Mutale told the probe committee that he had no apologies to make. In June 2013, in his 11 page letter to Museveni, Kakooza Mutale challenged the expulsion of the so-called rebel M.Ps from Parliament after they had been expelled from the NRM. Mutale went ahead to advise Museveni not to meddle into Parliamentary affairs describing it as a gross violation of the constitution.

In August 2015,  Kakooza Mutale launched the paramilitary training of a KAP militant group in Luwero. He claimed that the group was meant to ensure Museveni's victory in the 2016 polls.
   "I will ensure that every stumbling block is cleared. Whoever steps in our war, this machinery will work on him or her."

In an August 2015 exclusive interview, Kakoza Mutale said;
    "Have you ever wondered where I get powers? Well I am unstoppable. Let Parliament not even waste time debating this matter........ nothing will change. We are training a team for our Kikofira (Museveni)."
The pass out of the said militant group was presided over by the Minister of Water, Hon. Kibuule who said;
    "This election is a battle. You need to train more and more such that we have a big number of defenders."

At the time, Kasirye Gwanga advised Kakooza Mutale to get out of politics and engage in development projects "if he is still in the military."
    "......may be he is getting orders from somewhere I don't know.  But who is he? Just a Major........where does he get the money? Where does he get logistics to feed these people."

However, during  the elections campaign, Museveni, as usual, humiliated Mutale when Museveni ordered Mutale's campaign procession out of Lira Town. After the 2016 general elections, State House cut off funding for Mutale's office. Mutale then deployed his men to Kagalo Forest along L. Victoria claiming to protect the environment but they were instead mining sand before they were humiliatingly evicted by the Minister of Environment. Since then, Kakooza Mutale has kept a low political profile. In March 2017, he publicly described the rampant land evictions by powerful individuals in government and the army as a "shame" to the Museveni regime when Mutale claimed that he had been directed by Museveni to investigate the same.

**** NOTE FROM EDITOR -- What follows below has not been edited for grammar and spelling. It will be edited later this week by someone from our team. *****

Like has been the case with the ethnic Baganda in Museveni's NRA, Elly Kayanja's military career has been characterized by 'use, misuse and discard".  Initially a Political Commissar during the Bush War, upon taking over power, he was made the Director of Loans in the NRA.  Following the total failure of the loans scheme, Elly Kayanja went into oblivion before he was picked up in 2002 to head the nortorious Operation Wembley.  Though disguised as a scheme to deal with armed robberies and violent crime in general, Operation Wembley was a response to the anticipated armed rebellion spearheaded by the Rwanda backed PRA.  It targeted army veterans, former soldiers, army deserters, errant soldiers, civilian robbers and any other individuals knowledgeable in use of firearms from the western, central and mid eastern region.

Before it's disbandment, Operation Wembley had caused untold mayhem in form of arbitrary arrests, torture in illegal torture chambers, summary executions, detention without trial, robberies etc.  In response to public outcries by the general public,  local and International human rights organizations, Museveni relieved Kayanja.  His gang was renamed Violent Crime Crack Unit (VCCU) and placed under the police though under the control and direction of the army through military intelligence.   He had a short stint as Museveni's Director General Internal Security Organization (ISO) but his tenure was cut short by accusations that he had plotted to assassinate Museveni when he armed a one Musisi into the inner circle of Museveni's security detail at the international Conference Centre.  Since then, his cripling military career has never recovered and he is currently deployed under the redundant Operation Wealth Creation. At one time he claimed to have been deployed by Museveni to work with artists to fight piracy of their products.

Abdudala Kitata is a civilian and Museveni's regime party Chairman for Rubaga Division in Kampala.  He excelled as a top political mobliser by use of violence and intimidation.  With the blessing of the then Police Chief, Gen. Kalekyezi, Muhamad Kitata founded the nortorious Bodaboda 2010 which was turned into a militant outfit designed to counter opposition protests in urban centres.  With Museveni's blessing, the police chief issued out arms to the group as it unleashed a campaign of terror and bruality against rival Bodaboda groups and the general public.  It ran illegal detention facilities/torture chambers dubbed Safe Houses.  In 2017, the group intercepted a bus load of pupils of Wnterland Primary School who were beaten up for donning red ribbons, the trademark colour of the opposition People Power platform.  Around  August 2016, the group invaded the Magistrates' court at Makindye and roughed up the presiding Magistrate and Lawyers to block a civil suit against the police chief over gross human rights abuses.

Shortly after, he gave an exclusive interview in which he defended the actions of his group and the attack on court in particular.
   "........Iam his (Gen. Kalekyezi) friend and I cant stand anyone who dares to get in his way.  I have the capacity to save the IGP and the entire police force from the enemy.... I have the capacity to save this government from any uprising.  I have the President's ear.  I call him directly any time; I don't have to pass through anyone."
At one time Museveni invited Abdu Kitata to deliver a lecture to a Cabinet retreat at State House.   However, his luck ran out in January 2018 when the army moved against his Bodaboda 2020.  He was arrested together with his close associates for suspected treasonous activities by his godfather, Gen. Kalekyezi.  In May 2019, he was convicted by the military court martial on charges of illegal possession of firearms and he us currently serving his imprisonment sentence.

Is a veteran Journalist who was a staunch opposition DP member and an ardent critic of the Museveni regime.  Owing to his unique mass mobilisation and vocal skills, Museveni moved very fast to neutralize him.  He appointed him his Press Secretary, a position he held for 13 years.  During his tenure, Tamale Mirundi who described himself as Museveni's "barking dog" would wantonly attack Museveni's political detractors through verbal harassment and blackmail. Individuals and institutions alike were not spared.  His impunity took a heavy toll on Buganda Kingdom, the Catholic Church, political opposition, civil servants, the business community etc.  However, when Museveni realized that Tamale Mirundi had not been fully politically neutralized, he sacked him around mid 2015. He accused him of allying with the then opposition presidential contender, Amama Mbabazi.  Mindful of mirundi's potential to do further damage, Museveni reassigned him the redundant position of Presidential Advisor on Media.

The hyporitically clever Tamale Mirundi did not take up his new position but took to radio and television talk shows where he has excelled in verbal attacks, this time around adding State House on the list of targets.
He vowed never to step in his new office but continued earning the salary and other emoluments.  He claims support for Museveni as a person and not what he has consistently described as "mafias" around him.  At one time, he rated former President Iddi Amin's performance far higher than that of Museveni;
     "Amin did so many good things for this country, that is why he has failed to die in the minda of Ugandans.  If a referendum was to be held today between Iddi Amin and some of the leaders today, Iddi Amin would win by a big margin."
Realizing that Tamale Mirundi and his talk shows were gaining popularity to detriment of his autocracy, Museveni recently moved to tame him through a donation of a brand new Mitsubishi Pajero vehicle.  However, politically ambitious Tamale Mirundi who could not be lured instead intensified his popular verbal attacks.  The defiant stance by Tamale Mirundi has now prompted Museveni to block his talk shows, starting with the most widely watched NBS Television.

The former Busiro North Member of Parliment held cabinet positions before Museveni elevated him to the position of Vice President on the Buganda, Catholic faith and DP ticket in 2003.   In 2005 Museveni accused him of eyeing his seat through secret mobilisation of the Baganda army officers, Cardinal, Clergy and the entire Catholic community.  In response, Prof. Bukenya said the government was controlled by Mafias who were plotting his downfall.  However, amidst the controversy, he went ahead to enlist his son into military service who died in 2009 in a mysterious road accident a few days before graduation as an Officer Cadet.  In 2011, Museveni dropped Prof. Bukenya from the position of Vice President.  Shortly after, he was charged with abuse of office related to alleged 2007 CHOGM procurement flaws.  In December 2014, Prof. Bukenya described the army's person of his son's accident as a "cover up", claimed that his son had not died in a motor accident but had been killed;
     "......what is surprising me is that these people (killers) are in our capital city moving freely and if police do not arrest them, I will name their identities in a few days to come." The Professor who attempted to become the face of political opposition to Museveni was soon to revert to the Museveni regime and is viewed by Ugandans as a political comedian.

In his desperate efforts to counter the overwelming influence the youthful Musician turned politician, Bobi Wine was garnering in the urban youth constituency,  around late 2009 Museveni appointed musicians Catherine Kusasira, Butcherman and Janepher Nakagubi a.k.a Full Figure as Presidential Advisors and Special Envoys on Kampala City and urban youths.  The appointment of the three, all ethnic Baganda, has not had any impact on swaying the political orientation of urban youth.  In January 2020, State House denied the three as being employees of State House let alone being Presidential Advisors.  Since then, the three have been viewed by the general public  as mere comedians and political nuisance.  Two days ago, Butcherman was roughed up by the Environmental Police, bundled on the police truck and detained before he was rushed to the hospital for medical attention over the injuries sustained.

The NRM Chairman for Buganda region and the Rubaga South M.P respectively are another bunch of political comedians from Buganda.

Therefore,  Museveni can choose from the above shortlisted individuals for a suitable candidate who can fit into Gen. Kasirye Gwanga's shoes for his designs on Buganda.


Patriot in Kampala,East Africa
:Assalamu Alaikum

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