UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




If there is any wish I ever owned in my head when I walked into diaspora, was to have the ability and give a chance to every Ugandan, to leave the country for a month then turn around and fly all of them back. Surely we can find a place on orbit to allow 45 or 50 million people to stay for a week and then we turn around and ship everyone back to his or her home in Uganda. And all I wanted to achieve in this entire mission was to allow Ugandans to get a proper perspective. What is it they want, but what is it they have, and what is it they need to add on better yet take off? I am ending 2020 with a very good understanding how society works and I think many of our people actually miss that, I thank God for in this life I have visited every continent on earth, and I have been in several very interesting countries, for travelling was the best gift I decided to grab as a Canadian.


Well let us go right back into the 70’s for to understand my argument we need to go back to the 70’s, 1973 I flew to London, and I had so many expectations of what to see in London, apart from being an organized society, I thanked God for being a Ugandan, I thanked him for a beautiful country, lots of food, and we laugh our selves to bed. The people in London were not happy people, and that is too complicated to explain but having lived into Canada this long, I still miss Uganda the country. So in my visit that time I had a dinner with a Uganda family, and they asked me if I wanted to remain in London, we know immigration lawyers and they will process your papers, your entire family is going to come here and be safe from Uganda for it has a very terrible government. And to today I believe that had I applied to remain in UK in 1973, I would have been accepted for the story of BBC daily was Iddi Amin brutality. Do you see the CNN loop on Donald J Trump? That was the BBC loop on Iddi Amin. I refused to remain in UK for I hated the life style I saw, the agony on the faces of Ugandans, and I flew home to my family but country.


At that time, all Uganda schools had teachers and very well paid teachers thank you, every hospital had a doctor and very well paid doctor thank you, medicine was in hospitals, Uganda Transport corporation was running, as was The Republican Express bus services, with a whole whack of buses Za’Baganda. Thus the public transport sector was operating to the required status. To this day of writing, I am challenging any member in this forum large as it is to tell me one village that was ever attacked by Uganda Army soldiers, an old lady that was beaten up, a watch that was stolen, and by the way by any agency, Uganda Army, Uganda Police or Prisons, you simply do not have it. Yet here I was with a Uganda family in UK looking in my face and stating that Uganda has a very terrible government, and you need to get out. I go back and visit those days and many of those that advised me to stay in London are dead today, many of their children are fucked up, and the families they left in Uganda at many times are doing much better and thank you. I praise God for the brains that refused me to end up in East London, things would have been very different by today. Iddi Amin’s government keeps on mistakenly being defined as a military government, no it was actually a civilian government, and if you want to see what a military government is, go to Afghanistan for a visit after the Fraudulent gets to the White house. By the way I can give you even a local contact that will see you through the visit.


I predicted that at Amin’s departure and with Museveni and Ssabassajja Uganda is going to be anarchy, up to today I have not seen a good reason to change that line, for look where you are today, you have Kibooko squad, what is that? Who commands it? Who makes decisions on it? Who holds it responsible? And yet for the record, what is in Uganda today is not anarchy, this is still good. The real anarchy I am preaching out for all these years, is on the way after Museveni the only existing savior of Uganda, leaves office. That is when anarchy is going to really kick in.


When I look at Museveni’s government being preached in this form as a terrible government, I fail finding the justification. G20 sat in this city and many people were beaten up I was never touched, and my entire family was never touched. I do not think my neighbor Dr Kipenji was beaten too, up to today I still fail getting the number of people beaten by Uganda police when they are in their homes. Any one know !!!!! Does Uganda police actually go to homes break them up and beat up the population due to the election? And I see all these postings of this is a very terrible government for Museveni is beating up the population, what village has been attacked? For the record I have talked to a friend in Wobulenzi today, they have no clue about election violence. In fact one old guy said it best, “Tulina abalina effujjo era bantamye” Why didn’t he complain about Museveni beating up population? Is he in a different Uganda? Your head gets whacked for you made a decision for it to be firkin whacked.


And you have some very bad elements/actors in Uganda you need to point a finger at, Dr Kiiza Besigye being the first in line, I rejected to support Besigye from the day his name came to my screen and I will oppose him to my death. And he is not the first man for me to oppose publicly, I opposed Jonan Luwuum until his death. I will go to Luwum in a while, allow me to start with Dr Kiiza Besigye.


When we were born in Uganda, we planned as any normal country plans, you invest into the youth with brains and they run the future of the country. Unlike Peter Simon Okurut’s parents that invested into the killing of cows in firkin Soroti, my parents embraced the coffee and cotton growth, to becoming the major foreign exchange earner of the country. I am proud of that. With that money we as Ugandans decided to invest into Dr Kiiza Besigye, go to school learn to be a doctor and save lives. We not only educated him to save lives we called him to office and we demanded that he takes an oath to accomplish our requirements. The Doctor took that oath. After taking it, Besigye turned around and pissed on the oath he took and used the knowledge we gave him to kill the very people he swore to protect. Remember this Besigye never took an oath to protect Konny, to protect Oyite Ojoke, to protect Edward Pojim, he took an oath to protect Ugandans. The man in day light threw out the hospital uniform and replaced it with a military fatigue, the syringe with an AK47. I count Besigye among the worst enemies of the country, that must be taken to Kalitunsi in day light, extracted as a firkin bad tooth.


Now Peter Simon Okurut, the man of God, is going to raise his Mwiiri hand and proclaim how Besigye is a human being, and how he deserves a day Infront of a court of law, represented by a reputable lawyer and charged. I am responding to Peter tonight. With all due respect sir, screw you. Uganda is a very poor country that we do not have the space, the food, let alone the time to put these kinds of cases into the Luzira dormitory, I am not going to have a situation where I decide to either buy an Aspirin to a grand Ma across the street or feed Besigye. I am not investing into feeding him in Luzira than buying an ambulance for a hospital in Uganda, I refuse failing to inoculate kids in Kumi for we are feeding Dr Kiiza Besigye, and for a very good reason, all those systems to work, you need to get people that put their hands on the Bible, get sworn to power and protect society. That is how the system functions, with out honoring oaths you will never get a judge, you will never get courts of laws, jails will never exist, the entire policing structure will fail because there s no one taking the oath.


And I turn around and opine that if Dr Kiiza Besigye decided to piss at the oath he made to our country, we have every right to walk him to a Kalitunsi in mid-day, tie him to a tree and I will pull the firkin trigger myself.


Through that national investment, we handed money out to a Janani Jakaliya Luwum, we never asked for so much, but read the word of God and preach to the people. That was the only mission the Archbishop was actually handed. We never asked Luwum to preach to Baganda, never to Iteso nor to the firkin Japs. We asked the man to preach and protect Ugandans. We got the Bible and Jonan agreed to put his hand to swear an oath to the affirmative. Archbishop Luwum was never forced to take the oath, this was never a gun point swearing in, Luwum as Besigye walked under their own will and took the oath. The Church of Uganda centenary in Uganda arrives and the Archbishop drops the oath and decided to sacrifice the very people he took the oath to preach salvation to. Weapons were loaded on trucks and shipped into Uganda, under the auspice of the Centenary of the church of Uganda. Blame Iddi Amin all you want for bad governance, but Iddi Amin had one of the best intelligence net works in Africa. State research was a very effective system. In loading those weapons, Luwum forgot that the turn boys, you know those that move with trailer drivers, were actually members of the State Research Bureau. Well look at this way, you are blocking all trailers form coming in yet some times at your own desecration you decide some to come in. don’t you think we needed to know what was coming in? Jonan Luwum was such a stupid punk.


Trucks were loaded, and started the journey into Uganda, they cross the boarder and the eyes are watching, for no one knows exactly where they are ending up, Iganga, Jinja, Mukono, Kireka, Walla to the Coon’s home. Those weapons actually stayed for a couple of days just to make sure anyone connected gets figured out. Peter Simon Okurut explain to me why Uganda tax payers has to refuse to buy an Aspirin for a kid in firkin Manafwa for Luwum deserves a court of law and a lawyer. Extrapolate that to me sir. Luwum died but I remain sorry that he was never walked to a Kalutinsi and firkin blown up. And let me be very clear here, he abrogated the oath that he took. Uganda has bad actors, Dr Kiiza Besigye is first in line but very closely followed by Luwum. The Archbishop threw out the Bibles and replaced them with an AK47, in fact if you followed that church closely you end up finding Nsubuga’s ranch also used by Museveni to fighter Uganda government. And an elected government, so Jonan Luwum was not the first let alone last goof to be produced by the church.


The church of Uganda did not only bring in weapons through Jonan Luwum, they planned the after government fall, through Sudan the church imported a number of Mercedes Benzes 200 model and all were white, those were supposed to be used by the new ministers, so the government falls, ministers get appointed and they each get a white Mercedes Benz 200 model. If you remember them those are the Mercedes Benz that Iddi Amin handed to all Permanent secretaries, remember the white Benzes 200 models? That was thanks to the Church of Uganda thanks to Jonan Luwum.


Uganda must reach a point of throwing Dr Kiiza Besigye and Jonan Luwum into a land Rover pick up, drive them to Kalitunsi and blow their head off at lunch time, when you break an oath you are no good to repair.  When we fail to protect the oath we might as well fail having a country, well no police officers, no ministers, and absolutely no one takes the oath, the only way to maintain that oath strength is by society rising up and taking those that break it to Kalitunsi. The oath can never ever be allowed to be broken faa but used to protect its breakers, no the system simply never works that way even in firkin Bukedi.


And I opine that classifying a government in Uganda must always be fair, if we are going to go after the army beating up people we need to address the coons throwing gas cans to the officers as well, and we must discuss the anarchy created by the masses, but to reach that point, we need to use very different gadgets of measurements than Dr Kiiza Besigye and Jonan Luwum, men that pissed on an oath. Every fiber in my body strongly believes that Uganda’s problem is way larger than Yoweri Museveni, I believe that at the exit of Museveni, Uganda is going to be a country under a true anarchy. Thus standing up today in a public forum, and publicly state that anyone can lead Uganda as long as it is not Yoweri Museveni, is a wrong statement, it is childish, un called for, and out right firkin stupid. And trust me I have taken a moment to decide on those verbs.


I am calling on every one out there, to join me tonight, as I raise a glass to 2020 a year I fully know, but understand what it has in the firkin bag.

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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