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Democrats Effectively Destroyed “The Black Family.”


Black Men in Prison

I take a lot of heat from blacks for supporting the Republican Party. The biggest complaint is the Republican Party is racist so how can you say that you support blacks and support the Republican Party? I have tried to explain the essence of racism and why I tend not to focus on it too much in past articles, but still many folks remain confused. They can’t seem to get beyond the slogan of “The Racist Republican,” so I will attempt to revisit the subject in hopes that the message will finally sink in.

Contrary to popular belief, I don’t live in a bubble as it relates to racism and its devastating effects. I am an individual with visible external characteristics of Subsaharan African descendants that, based on racists hierarchy, are deemed subhuman species. I am a continuous victim of racism as a result of this. The difference is, I refuse to allow society’s prescribes for me to impact my mental attitude about me. If I were to buy into society’s dictates that are established by man, the creator of all edicts, laws, rules and regulations here on earth, I would essentially be validating the supremacy or superiority of creator(s) of these earthly laws. I refuse to do that. Thus whatsoever man says about me has no mental impact on me. My own thinking governs me. In this way, I assert my own autonomy and invalidate all claims of others superiority.

Racism is something you cannot control. It’s a mental attitude which motivates physical actions. Nothing I can do to change how any individual views me. Only the individual can make that change. In this technological advanced era, man has made instruments to see a fetus in a woman’s stomach. They can tell you if you have cancer or other abnormal invaders in your body, but the one thing, they still cannot tell you is “WHAT AN INDIVIDUAL IS THINKING” thus, it’s impossible to identify any particular racist accurately.

Therefore, we use a secondary method to identify racists which is not foolproof. We identify racists based on their words and deeds. However, even a moron who is intellectually challenged knows that people lie and they also “pretend.” Thus, our method for identifying racists is totally flawed and creates much frustration. Racists are not fools. They will use any means to mask their racism, so that they can effectively continue to perpetuate their agenda without being noticed. They know that if they are blatant with their racism, they would bring unnecessary attention to themselves that might prevent them from continuing their racist actions.

A racist action is a discrimination based on race by someone who holds power over others. These racists will often not execute the racist acts themselves. They will hire the right individual for the job. For example, I once wrote that Administrative Judge Alan Scheinkman is a racist. This was based on his actions towards my husband, who is considered a black man. I made this determination based on my knowledge of The Babylonian Talmud and Mr. Scheinkman’s behavior. The Babylonian Talmud asserts that blacks should be slaves. Therefore, no black man should ever be deemed the superior to a descendant of Japheth or Shem. It’s ok for a black woman to hold that position, but not a black man. When my husband became Senior Judge in Mount Vernon where there were two male descendants of Japheth, Mr. Scheinkman used all sorts of trickery to ensure that my husband did not have that power over these fellas.

Now, as I said earlier, there is no test of the mind that can conclusively tell us what someone is thinking. We rely on their actions and words, assuming, that these are honest indications of individuals’ thinking. I believe it’s a universally held notion that the mind influences the behavior. However, we must always remember that the mind is always also a deceiver.

The slogan of the “Racist Republican” inspires the notion of the non-racist democrat. This notion makes me laugh real hard and this is the major contention with me and a majority of other blacks. I happen to believe, based on a review of both behaviors, that democrats are much more racist and as such harmful to blacks than Republicans. A pretend friend is much more deadly than an enemy. We tend to put our armor on when we engage the enemy, but we remove our armor when we engage our friends. Brutus was Cesar’s closest confidant, and Judas, was likewise the favorite of Jesus. Thus, we see a lot of times where racist individuals hire other blacks simply for the role of destroyer of other blacks to circumvent the 1964 Civil Rights Act. If the 1964 Civil Rights Act was not enforceable, I doubt that so many “Sambos” and “Congo Jacks” would be elevated within the Democratic Party. These Sambos and Congo Jacks” create the illusion that the Democratic Party is not the enemy, but must look deeper at the purpose they serve.

With so many blacks in powerful positions within the Democratic Party, why isn’t there a single black community in America that rivals Black Wall Street in the 1920s, in Tulsa, Oklahoma? During the height of segregation when the Klu Klux Klan was lynching blacks left and right, there were several black economically viable communities, even the success of a black as tar Jamaican named Marcus Mosiah Garvey. So, please tell me, if Democrats were truly our friends, shouldn’t we be in a much better economic position than the folks in Black Wall Street and Marcus Garvey?

Black Wall Street, during the 1920s

The honest answer should not be hard for you to find. It’s right in front of your eyes, but you don’t want to admit it. It’s devastating on our EGOS to admit that we have been tricked. It’s like a relationship with a man and a woman. The woman knows that the man is abusive and he cheats on her, but she can’t leave him because leaving him is an admission that she is essentially foolish to have gotten involved with him in the first place. The irony is that she is viewed by others as being even more foolish to stay with him while he continues to disadvantage her.

The Democratic Party is extremely covert in the execution of its racism and this is why they are more dangerous to blacks than any republican. I am convinced that President Lyndon Johnson knew that offering black mothers money as “Aid For Depend Children” (AFDC) in exchange for the black men being put out of the homes would destroy black families. It would have been much more beneficial to the family to provide training and jobs to the men to allow them to ecomically care for their families. Daniel Patrick Moynihan had already identified the problem that was destructive to black families as “lack of jobs for black men.” Moynihan never said to give the mothers money and put the men out of the homes.

Therefore, the same Democrat, who gave blacks the Civil Rights Act, created a policy that ensured this Civil Rights Act was not going to have any real impact in improving their lives when their families are destroyed. This is how covert and diabolical these democrats can be. So, those of you who still are of the opinion that I am somehow without a black soul because I support republicans, understand this: I am well schooled in the okie doke. The intentional destruction of the black family is all the proof I need to know that Democrats are my enemy. My family is my lifeline. If they are destroyed, my survival is seriously threatened. Democrats like Alan Sheinkman and his henchmen are still working up to today to destroy my family, one of the few intact black families. Racist Democrats hate family values because it means black people would have a lifeline to survive. I hope those of you that have been confused about me, are clearer today as to my principles and ideals…

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
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Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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