{UAH} Gook who is your fellow Liar Kasango?
Gook I was watching a video in which your Jap natives took off
with the late's coffin en route to Nyalgunga aka Tororo ala SM Otieno
Melea who like him as also a Liar dying interstate.
I know the only Kasangos I am aware of from that nook of the woods
happen to be the scion of my first elementary school Headmaster Y.K
Kasango.His first 3 scions happen to have been my OBs as the guy only
had Boys,courtesy of his high testosterone levels.
They all settled in Katerema 6-7 miles on Tororo-Jinja Road.
These fellows were originally Sogas who got assimilated as Japs hence their
names and one who was my true classmate was called Nadiope which he abridged
as Diope.
I was not able to recognize who the mother of the deceased is and their assertion
for this act soon after church service is that according to Japanese culture No Man
ever gets buried at the in-laws' place a place they contend the man has never lived
in. It appears the Odoi-Fox- Andrew Mwenda jokes just remained jokes.
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