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- March 26, 2021

The conflict between Hutus and Tutsis in 1990s was not the first ethnic conflict these two communities have experienced. For the last 400 years this people have been at loggerhead and unless they change their beliefs and worldviews these people are going to continue fighting for many centuries to come. Tutsis have relied on sexual appeal to substitute their small number. They have been offering their women to Hutu elites to neutralize Hutu rule. This is not a new phenomenal as this article discusses it. It started over 500 years ago when the Tutsis arrived in the Hutuland when sex took Hutus by storm and destroyed their identity and history. The next time they were slaves of Tutsis. Later, Hutus relied on their numbers and education and overthrew Tutsi monarchies. However, through deceit and sex these Hutu elites found themselves repeating their ancestors mistakes. In 1990s they lost the control of Rwanda and ended up in exile where they have been living for the last 30 years. This article brings light to such phenomenon that have led Hutu majorities losing power in the great lakes region. 

This is an analysis of how Tutsi people ascended to power in Rwanda through sex leaving Hutu majority working as slaves. What happened in the 2021 MISS RWANDA where 100% of contestant of the beauty pageantry were Tutsis only and yet the Tutsi population in Rwanda makes only 14% of the Rwanda is not new. In 1300AD Tutsis started a scheme to ascend to power through sex bribe. Here they seduced the Hutu princes who ended up falling in love with them and later co-ruled with them as queen mothers. This did not take long at around 1400AD Tutsi orchestrated a Hutu monarchy onslaught that killed all Abahinza (Hutu kings) castrating others which spread terror in the thousand hills. This was followed by 500 years of serfdom and apartheid system which ended in 1959. However, Hutus forget faster. In 1965 Tutsis through their women managed to infiltrate Hutu regime again for the next 30 years which ended by assassinating two Hutu presidents: Habyarimana Juvenal of Rwanda and Cyprian Ntaryamira of Burundi on April 6, 1994. This act of terrorism was blessed by Bill Clinton the former President of America and Tony Blair the former prime minister of UK. These two people happened to have two Tutsi concubines who convinced them that Tutsis were oppressed by Hutus in Rwanda and needed military, political, and financial help to get rid of the Hutus. That is what transpired on October 1, 1990 when Ugandan army led by Tutsis such as Yoweli Museveni, Paul Kagame and Fred Rwigema invaded Rwanda. On the same day, both a Tutsi prominent musician Cecile Kayirebwa had organized a concert in Brussels to lobby Belgian politicians to support Tutsi invasion of Rwanda.

Rwandans have only one language called KINYARWANDA but have different philosophies of how to live as Rwandans. In 1991 President Paul Kagame told journalists that Hutus and Tutsis have nothing in common except the land of Rwanda, which is somehow true. Looking back at the history of why Kagame hates Hutus you will understand his reasoning and his philosophy which is shared by most of the Tutsis, but not all. In around 1100AD Tutsis from the horn of Africa came to the highlands of western Uganda and Eastern DRC which is now Rwanda and Burundi and Masisi looking for pastures for their cows. Once they arrived in Rwanda, they found two groups of people living in Rwanda peacefully (Hutus and Twas). They were both from Bantu communities. They had been living in that region for close to 500 years. Hutus who are agrarians had established a leadership system called kingdoms based mostly on class systems. These kingdoms were ruled by kings called ABAHINZA (rainmakers). They were both spiritual and political leaders. They were chosen based on their ability to bring rain when it is necessary and heal people using African traditional medicines.

Tutsi Women Who were in MISS RWANDA 2021

They were also overseers and foretellers. Their leadership systems were based on UBUNTU PHILOSOPHY (here is a definition: African philosophy that places emphasis on 'being self through others'. It is a form of humanism which can be expressed in the phrases 'I am because of who we all are' which means in Kinyarwanda Umuntu k' Umuntu or Ntawigira). When Hutus saw the malnourished Tutsis, who had been fleeing from the drought in East Africa between Ethiopia and Sudan, they pitied them and allowed them to graze their herds on their land and fed them. They thought they had found neighbors. However, as the time passed by Tutsis had been learning the Hutu culture including the language and how they change guards in leadership when the king passes on. They realized that according to the Hutu culture and traditions and rituals, Hutus were a well-organized system that had an impeccable leadership system that had set out rules and guidelines well observed by everyone in the society. Unlike the Tutsis who were traditionally pastoralist and nomadic Hutus were a sedentary community which helped them set up kingdoms due to farming. Here are some of the Hutu kingdoms before the Tutsis overran them:


The Kingdom of Abenengwe (the children of the leopard) Theiy moanrchy was called Nyamibande. They ruled the kingdom of Bungwe. This was in southern Rwanda that comprised the regions of Busanza south, Bufundu, Nyaruguru, Bashumba, Nyakare, u Buyenzi. Their Totem was a leopard (INGWE). 


Abasinga kingdom was located in Gisenyi, Kibuye and Gikongoro and their king or Umuhinza was called Rurenge. Their throne was called "the conquerer" (Mpatsibihugu). We have limited information about them but we know that they ruled a big territory in Rwanda and western Uganda and Western Tanzania.  


The Abazigaba kingdom extended to Karagwe in Tanzania. Their throne was called SERA and their king was called Kabeja. This people came to Rwanda from near Lake Victoriya. Most likely they are from the Abasii (Kisii people of Kenya). These people are also found in Karagwe, Tanzania. 


The Abagesera Kingdom: Abagesera throne was called Rukurura (the one who attracts others) Their kingdom extended from Gisaka (Gihunya, Mirenge na Migongo all the way to Lake Mugesera in south eastern Rwanda including the region of Bugesera. 


The Kingdom of Abacyaba: They had a throne called Rugara. They ruled the region of Ruhengeri and Kisoro in Uganda near Lakes Bunyonyi and Burera and Ruhondo. Their king was called Nzira ya Muramira. These people the whole of Mulera region in Kinigi, Kidaho and Kabale in Uganda. 


The Kingdom of Abungura: Their throne was called Kamuhagama and some of them are found in northern Rwanda in Ruhengeri and Gisenyi. Habyarimana Juvenal who was assassinated by Paul Kagame was from this clan.Some other regions they ruled included Bumbogo, Buriza, Busigi,Buganza, and Rukaryi.


There is also the Kingdom of Ababanda. Their throne was called Nyabahinda. Their territories included Nduga, Gisari na Kibanda in Commune Ntongwe, and Nyabisindu (Busanza-north, Shyanda, Ntyazo and Muyira in Butare Their last king was called Mashira wa Nkuba ya Sebugabo. Of course there are other Hutu kingdoms such as Abaguyane and Abasindi we don't have enough time to narrate in this article. We shall come back to it later when we get time. 

After years Tutsis learned 5 important things regarding the Hutu monarch: 1) that Hutu kings were chosen when their fathers died. And a new king always ruled with his mother as a queen mother and his maternal uncles as his kitchen cabinet. 2) That a king is chosen after another has died, 3) that a new king is born with three important seeds which were crucial to Hutu farmers (sorghum, pumpkin, and African nightshade). This was because these seeds were the backbone of Rwandan Hutu farming traditions. The Hutus practiced some rituals to select the future king before he was born. These rituals ensured that the new king will be chosen by gods themselves and revealed to the public by the virtue of being born holding the above three seeds in his fist. 4) That all girls were supposed to remain virgins until marriage otherwise if they got pregnant outside of the wedlock they would be excommunicated, and the family of the boy impregnated her would be invaded and decimated or exiled. 5) that Hutus were not allowed to marry from other communities especially the kings unless there were chosen clans. That was how Hutus knew their ABAHINZA until the Tutsi coup that happened at around 1400AD after 300 years of being welcomed by the Hutu in the Rwanda highlands.

These 5 principles helped Tutsis to spend significant time, years planning how they will ascend to power. Traditionally, Hutu women spend most of their time taking care of the harvest whereas men spent most of their time working on farms. Hutus women were also expected to use strength to take care of the households especially during the times of harvesting. Men farmed and women harvested and stored the harvest in partnership with their men, but the harvesting work went mostly on women whereas the most physical work was given to men. Rwanda is a highland nation. Therefore, people must go up and down the hills in every farming activity. This biologically changed how Hutu women look like most bantus. On the other hand, Tutsi women work differently. It was to sit at home as they men followed the herds. Since when they arrived in Rwanda there was plenty of pasture and food they got from their Hutu neighbors the worries reduced unlike what they had faced in the horn of Africa. Their women started relaxing, eating enough, and spending time at home taking care of the calves and the milk. Most of their work was churning the milk to get butter for both cooking and using it as a body lotion.

Socioeconomically Hutu and Tutsi women activities were totally different. Hutu women were used to physical activities whereas Tutsi women spent most of their time at home doing limited or no physical work apart from taking care of milk, children, and calves. Hutu women took care of their children, prepared for harvesting and storing of the harvest and other house chores as needed. Hutu families had many children as well to work on their father's farms whereas due to nomadic lifestyle Tutsi women were not as fertile. However, when their lifestyle started changing due to access to food and pasture nearby, Tutsi women started becoming fertile as well. Since Tutsi women stayed at home most of the time their physical structures also changed. They were not as emaciated as they were while they were suffering from drought in Sudan. Their bodies became tender, soft, and ready to mate. Hutu women on other hand continued to be involved in their traditional roles to keep their families together as it is their customs.

Traditionally, Tutsis and Hutus are totally different. Like most Bantus in that region, it is a taboo for a Hutu woman to be engaged in sexual intercourse before marriage. It comes with heavy capital punishment such as excommunication or death. On the other hand, Tutsis traditions promote sexual socialization. Tutsis traditionally have used their girls to establish alliance or even conquer. These beliefs make their girls ready to be involved in sexual activities at a younger age. They even have their own secret that makes their girls not conceive unless their aunties and mothers want it so. There have been some cases where some Tutsi girls do not conceive at all unfortunately because their aunts and mothers died in road accidents or in conflict that killed both of them at the same time without revealing how the tied their daughter's womb for not to conceive when they were still at home. When a Tutsi girl experience her first menstruation, she is now ready to have sex when it is necessary. In fact, when she is born, there are some rituals they do related to her vagina. When those rituals are done by her aunts, they tell her that her vagina is a source of wealth, happiness, and alliances. With it she will conquer the powerful. With it she will amass wealth and lift her brothers from dust. With it she will make kings and destroy kingdoms. Tutsi men understand this well. This is how they used it to conquer Hutu kingdoms.

After understanding how the Hutu monarchy system works, the Tutsi men started strategizing how to be part and parcel of this monarchy without causing harm to the Tutsi community because they were aware that they were the minority and any slight mistakes could be wiped out. Cunningly, they found out that Hutu kings had liked the introduction of cows and the people who were willing to spend their lifetime taking care of them. They also discovered that the Hutu palace, especially the queens who had been using the butter from goats and sheep, had liked the introduction of cow milk butter or ghee for both cooking and body lotion. Tutsis offered milk and ghee in exchange for food and honey since Twas were traditionally the beekeepers or hunter gatherers. They came up with a scheme to send their daughters to the palace and other paramount chiefs to work there as Ghee makers. Their work was to churn milk for the chiefs and palace since Hutu women were not specialists in that angle. These Hutu ladies are not accepted in Kigali even though their beauty and brain is super but RPF see them differently.

Dr Mireille TWAYIGIRA. According to Tutsi ideology this woman is not supposed to compete for beauty in Kigali since she is not Tutsi.

Miss UWAMARIYA CLEMENTINE (NY Best Selling Author). According to Tutsi ideology this woman is not supposed to compete for beauty in Kigali since she is not Tutsi.

Miss Canada Galaxy 2011 TUYISHIME SOLANGE. According to Tutsi ideology this woman is not supposed to compete for beauty in Kigali since she is not Tutsi.

Miss Rwanda's Josiane Mwiseneza who ran for Miss Rwanda 2018 was denied the crown by the Tutsi system despite the fact that she got over 60% of all votes.

At the beginning it seemed as a good gesture of good neighbors, but it had a sinister consequence for the Hutu monarchy which they never saw coming. The Tutsi community elders approached the chiefs and the wisemen at the palace and told them that they are grateful for the monarchy to allow them and their livestock to live and roam the hills of Bunyabungo, Muliza, Bwishyaza, Ndorwa, Bwanacambwe, Bunyabungo without any skirmishes. In return, they would like, with the king's favors, to send their young virgins to work at the palace as butter and ghee makers for free for the king and his palace entourage. However, before they sent these girls, they had coached them on how to seduce the future Hutu chiefs and future princes. The long-term plans were to be married into the monarchy and one day one of the Tutsi women become the queen mother. This was the marshall plan for the Tutsi people against the Hutu monarchy. They asked their girls to take care of themselves and be able to sleep with the princes whenever opportunity arises. Most of the girls who were sent to the chiefs and kings palaces were between 10 and 13 to make sure that when they start experiencing puberty when their boobs start protruding like the towers at the gates of the palace they are already there. Their physical features were different from that of Hutu women who were trained to work hard and take care of their families as the basic virtues of good women. Whereas Tutsis were the ones who introduced the culture of GUKUNA (Gukuna is the elongation and stretching of the vagina labia minora to maximize the intercourse pleasure). The word Gukuna is closely related to the word GUKUNDA which means to love. This is done to increase man's pleasure to love you more. The Gukuna rituals introduction found another Rwandan Hutu cultural ritual called UKUNYAZA. Kunyaza is the Rwandan name given to a sexual practice found in the Banyarwanda, Barundi, Bamasisi and Banyamulenge which is designed to facilitate female orgasm and female ejaculation during intercourse. Hutu men were expert on this practice to this day Tutsi women look for Hutu men to do this to them in what is now known as GUPFUBURA (to recook food which has not been cooked properly. In this case it means to help a married woman come because her husband or boyfriend did not make her come). This is because physically, Hutu men are very strong compared to Tutsi men. This also creates another ethnic friction between Hutus and Tutsis because Tutsi women prefer Hutu men over their Tutsi brother because of sexual satisfaction.

Tutsis do not use sex as a weapon to destroy other tribes only, they have now started using sex to destroy those who do not support the Tutsi Apartheid philosophy. One of those cases is the case of the CNBC journalist, Fiona Ntarindwa Muthoni, who has been accused of being the RPF sex spy around East Africa. She was sent to execute various passion intelligence gathering in Tanzania, Dodoma, in Nairobi where she was living in a place called Kilimani, and in Burundi where she lived near the Catholic Archidiocese of Bujumbura. She has been recently in media accusing her former professor, Dr. Kayumba Christopher, of the University of Rwanda for having sexually assaulted which is a big lie considering that those accusations have come up when Dr. Kayumba openly disclosed that he wanted to form a political party in Rwanda to challenge his fellow Tutsi Paul Kagame in the upcoming elections. As it was reported by the Rwandan Intelligence Newspaper IGIHE.COM, this is what her former lecturer said after learning that she had been going around peddling lies to tarnish her name:

"In a reply message, the accused Dr. Kayumba said Fiona is a liar who wants to tarnish his reputation.

"So it's you Fiona they used to make wild accusations against me? No, I never abused you. For years, you insisted every time I left class for me to put you on my research teams or make you join our media. I refused because I had heard you were using your body to get favours," he said.

"Dear Rwanda Investigation Bureau [RIB], this Fiona is a serial liar who, despite claiming attempted rape in 2017, she continued to invite me to her TV shows in 2018 &2019 & even wanted to meet privately& to latter I refused. She even insisted on meeting our editor who refused because he had heard her tricks," added Kayumba." Again this proves how far Tutsi women can go to make a dollar through intimacy. 

CNBC journalist, Fiona Ntarindwa Muthoni
When the plan was accepted by the Hutu monarchy, Tutsi girls were introduced into the palace with a single duty, to make cow milk butter for the chiefs and the palace. However, these teenage beauties had other sinister plans to bring their tribe into leadership. They moved from making butter to serving the princes. It did not take long until the Hutu princes started enjoying the young fruits and forgot about the values of prince hood and kingdom. Before they knew it, some Tutsi girls had been pregnant already. The court was called to debate on the matter and take measures, but things had already gone down the highway. The Hutu prince had eaten the cookie and the taste was so addictive when they asked the king to excommunicate the Tutsi pregnant lady and take her into the Rwabayanga cave where other irresponsible girls used to be cast, the prince to the throne threatened to commit suicide and yet he was the only son. Things got murky and the wisemen committee gathered to find a peaceful solution that would not lead to shedding blood at the palace. The king's kitchen cabinet was hurriedly assembled to relook at the Rwandan monarchy traditions chief among them to reform on how the princes can choose the future bride. Formerly, Hutus, especially the princes were not supposed to marry from other clans leave alone other tribes such as Tutsis who were considered not to be part of the bantu communities in the region. These were strangers who had been welcomed into the kingdom territories based on the Ubuntu Philosophy, but they were not among the clans that the future kings were supposed to marry from. For the king to save her only son the decree was passed that Tutsi women are also among the clans that the future Hutu kings can choose brides from. Now the fate of Hutus and Tutsis in the region had been forever sealed. The Tutsi plan has now passed the second and the most difficult hurdle to the throne. 

I have to remind you that one of the Tutsis women who actively used this technique for sex for diplomacy when the RPF was fighting to overthrow the Rwandan Hutu regime successfully is Kayirebwa Cecile pictured here below. She spent most of her time doing shuttle diplomacy in Europe giving sex in exchange of economic and political embargo against the Hutu regime. 

Musician Cecile Kayirebwa

After the Hutu prince to the throne impregnated a Tutsi woman that changed the Hutu monarchy and the Hutu country forever. The laws and regulations that govern the Hutu monarchies were changed to accommodate Tutsis and different rituals and traditions were abandoned to accommodate new rituals from Tutsis. Wealthy Hutus now could own cows and hire Tutsi men to take care of them. Some of the physical dominant traits that characterized Hutu ceremonies such as the IKINIMBA (HINGAMASAKA) dance still practiced by Baciga people was slowly watered down from a vigorous farmers dance to accommodate the Tutsi slow motion dance such as IKINYEMERA where people dance stretching arms like cow's long horns.

Now the Hutu prince is allowed to marry from the Tutsi tribe. Tutsi men were eagerly and anxiously waiting for the day that the king would die so that the new son in law can become the king and their daughter becomes the queen. It was their dream coming true in their long quest for absolute power in Rwanda. Now because of the sweetness from the GUKUNA (labia elongation for maximum intercourse pleasure) and KUNYAZA (hitting the labia and clitoris to maximize the woman's orgasm), many young Hutu elites started intermarrying with Tutsi women in masses. However, the Tutsi men did not marry from Hutu women, which continued to this day. In fact, a Tutsi man who falls in love with a Hutu, the Tutsi system excommunicates him forever.

Now the Tutsi women were no longer working as butter making girls but the insider. The Tutsi people had another weapon against the oblivious Hutu monarchies. Tutsis have traditions where when one is pregnant they must go back home to their parents for 90 days to be taught how to take care of the incoming baby. Hutus did not know what it entails but they accepted it anyway. One day a Hutu died, the prince came in as the new king with his wife as the queen together with his mother and uncles as the queen mother and her kitchen cabinet respectively. At this point things were not so bad for the Hutus yet, but more was to come.


Tutsi ing who fled to kenya in 1960s.


After some years had passed now Hutus are used to intermarry with Tutsis and having the queens from Tutsis the Tutsis strike again. This one finished off Hutus completely and they have never recovered from ever since. According to the Hutu Abahinza traditions, the new king ruled with his mother and her brothers. This was to ensure that the people who helped the king to rule were people who loved the kind most. It also reduced coups from paternal uncles fighting overpower to replace the king. However, this worked well for the Tutsis strategies to overthrow the Hutu monarchies in Rwanda.

Remember according to Tutsi traditions, when their daughter is pregnant, she must go back to her mothers' home for 90 days to learn how to take care of the incoming child. I am not sure when this tradition was started but also in Uganda Banyanole and Banyarwanda (Tutsis of Uganda) still practice this ritual called KWARIKA. After the first ever Hutu prince married a Tutsi woman who became the first Tutsi princess of Rwanda and later the queen, they lived together and had children. Most probably these children were Hutus although it is hard to confirm that because those days apart from using the said pregnant woman's urine and inject it into the clawed frog, there were no other ways to know that a woman was pregnant. The other ways were to wait for physical hormonal changes, but you couldn't know that the child was yours or for somebody else. Because of these scientific gaps, Tutsis exploited them for their own gain. When the Hutu prince who had married a Tutsi woman became a king, he ruled together with his wife as the queen and his mother as the queen mother together with her brothers as the kitchen cabinet. They gave birth to children of which the first boy became the prince to the throne. Boys are naturally closer to their mothers than they are to their fathers. It is in this process that the Tutsis were going to execute their last take over the Hutu monarchy. They advised their daughter, now the queen, to ensure that her son, now the future king, marries his cousin. In Rwandan culture, a young man can marry his cousin from his mother's side as his future wife, but his sister is not allowed to marry anyone from her mother's side. This is a taboo because according to Rwandan culture, a girl is not supposed to go to her uncle's side as a wife. The Tutsis understood this tradition well and exploited it.

Although Tutsis are only 14% of the Rwandan population, they occupy 905 of socioeconomic, political, and military positions in Rwanda living the poor Hutus struggling with their daily survival. Here all the top military and the police are Tutsis. This is how they have enshirened their apartheid system into daily life in Rwanda. 

Although Tutsis are only 14% of the Rwandan population, they occupy 905 of socioeconomic, political, and military positions in Rwanda living the poor Hutus struggling with their daily survival. Here all the top military and the police are Tutsis. This is how they have enshirened their apartheid system into daily life in Rwanda. 

Now the last Hutu king and his Tutsi wife are getting older preparing for their son to inherit the monarchy. This new king was like no other in the Rwandan monarchy history. He was half Hutu and half Tutsi brought up by a Tutsi queen. Remember, the Tutsis had been working on strategies to take overpower from Hutus without bloodshed for the fear that if they engaged the military, Hutus would have decimated them because of numbers. Now they have been working on this plan, executing plans one by one meticulously. At this point they are the last strategy that needs all cooperation needed.
The king and the queen are old now and want their son to marry. The queen has already arranged a cousin that he would marry. She had been facilitating their get together so that the son could fall in love. She is also working on convincing her husband to allow his son, the future king to marry his cousin from the mother's side. The plans now are underway. The time now for the wedding is set up and the marriage takes place between a half Tutsi future king and a pure Tutsi woman. Technically now Tutsis are in the palace already. This is because according to the Abahinza (Hutu kings traditions, when a prince ascended to the throne he came together with his mother as the queen mother acting like prime minister and her brothers who were members of the kitchen cabinet known as (Abiru or Abacurabwenge (the strategists or the wise ones). Now the new king is enthroned, and his Tutsi mother is the queen mother. His wife who is now the queen is a Tutsi. The kitchen cabinet is composed of his Tutsi uncles. Now the Hutu monarchy is at the verge of total collapse for the next 400 years Hutus will be subjected to serfdom and slavery like system by the new incoming Tutsi monarchy called ABAMI.

Now a second Tutsi woman has entered the Hutu king's palace as the queen. Her aunt Kayirebwa has been married into the palace for decades. Now, her niece Kayitesi has just come into the palace not as a princess but a queen. All her paternal uncles are already in monarchy administration transacting businesses on the behalf of the king. She became the second Tutsi queen in Rwandan history. She is now ruling with her aunt as the queen mother and her paternal uncles as members of the kitchen cabinet. It couldn't get any sweeter for them. The new queen's mission now was to cleanse the Hutu blood. This was to make sure that the future king of Rwanda who comes to the throne will have no single drop of Hutu blood. How did they execute that? Remember, Tutsis traditions have one Rite of Passage of 90 Days where your Tutsi wife, once she becomes pregnant, is supposed to go back to her parents' house to be taught by her mother on how to take care of the future child. It is within these 90 days that Tutsis do what is called cleansing the blood, especially when their daughters have married into other tribes who are not Tutsis. This is supposed to make sure the future kid is a Tutsi not any other tribe. How does this happen? For the Rwandan Hutu kings, they just saw it as another rite of passage nothing more. However, when the new queen came in to marry to the new king who was half Tutsi and half Hutu, the Tutsis want to do absolute cleansing to make sure their pure blood was the one that ruled Rwanda. This half Hutu king was going to be the last king of Rwanda with a drop of Hutu (Bantu) blood. They wanted pure Tutsi (Somali) blood. That is why, because there was no technology to know when a woman conceives, they told the new queen to pretend that she was pregnant so that she could go for the 90 Days Rite of Passage. The time came and the queen asked her king that she was pregnant therefore, she needed to go home to her mothers' home for 90 days. Since the king's mother knew what was happening, she facilitated that to convince her son. The day came and the queen was sent back home with gifts of all manners and the supplies that would take care of her and her entourage for the next 100 days then she went to Nyanza in southern Rwanda where a group of Tutsis from Ankole region in Mbarara had settled.

When she got to her parents, her uncles had already arranged three abled-bodied Tutsi men who are her cousins to take care of her for the next 90 days. They made sure she had no window for mishaps. After 90 days she came with a roughly 2 to 3 months pregnancy and the king was so happy to see his queen is back well taken care of. Remember, this rite of passage takes place at every pregnancy therefore this made sure that a man is born to take over from the half Hutu king who was a pure breed.

Now the queen gives birth to the future king who is entirely a Tutsi. One day the half breed Hutu king dies, and the surrogate son takes over together with his mother as the queen mother who is a pure Tutsi. The kitchen cabinet is entirely pure Tutsis. Now came the day to cleanse the palace in a bloody coup. One night after the Tutsis were confident that they were in charge they went on an onslaught that saw thousands of Hutu military senior officers and paramount chiefs killed. It is believed that close to 10,000 Hutus were massacred during that time. The Hutu paramount chiefs' testicles were hanging in the markets and junctions together with severed heads to cause terror and panic across the country. This is how many Hutus fled Rwanda into Bunyoro, Karagwe, Bushi, Bufundu, Buhunde kingdoms and other kingdoms that accepted them. Tutsis now were going to rule with terror Rwanda and Hutus in servitude for the next 400 years.  This Tutsi carnage ended in 1960s when Hutus led by Gregoire Kayibanda and other Hutu elites educated by the catholic church prepared the Hutu emancipation in 1959 that sent the last Tutsi king KIGELI V NDAHINDURWA into exile in Kenya and later in the USA where he died in 2018. This time the entire Tutsi monarchy was destroyed and those who were close to it such as Paul Kagame's family went into exile in Uganda because they did not believe that they can live in Rwanda under Hutu rule because they strongly believe that Bantus are second class citizens and must  be subjected to oppression and domination the same way Somali Bantus in Somalia are treated by the Somalis.

These are some of the Tutsi womenused by Kigali to go and win support for the Kagame regime both in Burundi, Kenya, Uganda, DR Congo, Tanzania, and beyond. They are known as the PASSION SPIES. They target mostly politicians in order to pass policies that favor Kigali. One of them is the use of ID to travel in East Africa which almost killed Museveni after Rwanda sent over 6000 spies into Uganda to run Uganda. 

Now the Hutus were going to rule again through republic for the next 30 years, which ended in another Tutsi orchestrated coup that assassinated two Hutu presidents: Habyarimana Juvenal of Rwanda and Ntaryamira Cyprian of Burundi. These two presidents were assassinated while they were from peace negotiations in Arusha that were designed to bring peace between Hutus and Tutsis. In October 1990, the Tutsi who had exiled in Uganda led by Paul Kagame had invaded Rwanda to overthrow the Hutu regime. However, although the Tutsis had support from America through Bill Clinton, the United Kingdom through Tony Blair, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Belgium, among other countries, they had failed to overthrow the Hutu regime. Here I also must remind you that, when the Tutsis invaded Rwanda, they were supported also by the Tutsis living inside Rwanda. They also had support from Hutu elites who had married to Tutsi women mostly from southern Rwanda among them, Twagiramungu Faustin, Dr. Gasana Anastase, and other Hutus who had married Tutsis women were actively involved in supporting the Tutsi invaders both politically and financially. After 4 years of failed take over of Rwanda by force, the Tutsis supported by the USA and UK opted the easiest but deadly way. This was to shoot Habyarimanas plane as it prepared for landing in Kigali. He was assassinated with his entire entourage which include the Burundian president, his chief of staff, and several ministers. When Hutus realized that Tutsis are determined to take overpower in Rwanda at whatever cost, they remembered the 400 years of slavery, serfdom, and male castration that Kagame's ancestors had subjected their ancestors to. This is when Hutus rose and defended themselves from Tutsi Apartheid which had sworn to nuke them until no one is left to tell the story. In fact, in 1995, a year after Tutsis ascended to power again in Rwanda, they embarked on a program called Tobacco Plantation (Panda Tumbaku) which targeted those regions inhabited mostly by Hutus. The operation Songamana saw more than 2 million Hutu young male either killed, imprisoned, or disappeared. The Tutsi Apartheid continues.

These two Hutu presidents: HABYARIMANA JUVENAL OF RWANDA AND NTARYAMIRA CYPRIAN OF BURUNDI were assassinated by the Tutsi elites led by Kagame, Kaguta Museveni and Pierre Buyoya. 

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