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{UAH} BUT ALLAN BARIGYE A RWANDAN MIGHT HAVE A POINT ->Ugandans are stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!



What really gets to me is the numbness of Ugandans on issues that directly affect them, how distant they become when their own country is being ravaged. And the riots in South Sudan refers. Let us go back and closely look at  what we have passed through, long ago we had a paper in Uganda I think it was called “The Confidential” remember that poorly ran paper? It had something like “Splitting an Atom” poor as it was that paper wrote some frightening details about corruption in Uganda. Who stole the money, how much it was, what account it was with drawn out, what country did it end up, and what bank account. Remember that paper? But Ugandans just read it as a fun, yiii bano babbi. That is all it never raised them up to the streets, and the paper reported and reported until at the end of the day it collapsed. The stealing continued to today. Countries do not make IMF reports public not for they do not have them, but they fear the reaction of Southern Sudan, reports about Uganda are posted every month, for they know that Ugandans do not care if their country is looted. Not reporters, not politicians, not civilians, not church organization, not the opposition, not firkin degree holders, you can  go into Uganda and loot anything you want and no one gives a F     .


Every country must have a Commercial bank, for that bank coordinates between the National bank and the small banks, so it is the going between. Canada uses Royal Bank as its Commercial bank, so even though I bank with Toronto Dominion Bank, every dollar I send out of this country exits through RBC, for TD sends it to Royal bank to exit the country and the same when it is coming in. RBC receives it and then hands it to TD and into my account. These people stood up and sold out Uganda Commercial bank, so all Uganda banks now talk to Bank of Uganda through Kenya Commercial Bank. Where is the outrage? Where are Ugandans on streets calling on the return of UCB? Where are reporters and the opposition demanding an answer as to why Uganda as a state, does not own a commercial bank? What damage has KCB done to our economy? Are they borrowing money using us as a collateral? Who decides the Uganda interest rates is it KCB or Bank of Uganda? Do you even firkin care?


This morning I raised the Mama Miria’s taking of the C130 and rent it out, if for all those governments not a single individual ever stood out to question where the air craft was, how may times has it been used by individuals and you do not know? Do you know where it is parked today? Does anyone know?  Do we know if Museveni rented it out already? Who follows that one up?


Dr Kiiza Besigye, yes that very man that Annet is selling to you every day, got one of Uganda’s air lines, and he loaded it with weapons and sent it out to a country I do not remember today. Yugoslavia targeted that bus and sent its fighter jets, they intercepted it and forced it to their ground, Yugoslavia ended up taking it to today. Have you ever heard about that plane again? What was its value? How much did we lose? Why was Dr Kiiza Besigye not questioned? Why was he not held responsible? And doesn’t it bother you today that you hate Iddi Amin that bought the plane, but plead for Besigye to be you next president when he lost it? Was the plane confiscated or it was just sold off as many Uganda properties are sold off? What else have we lost, do you know but do you even care? Uganda has bought some planes these days, do you know that I can go to Uganda today and pull one of them into Toronto, and use it as a charter plane between Toronto and Vancouver and not a single Ugandan will care? It is scarily for Mama Miria held the AC130 from when Amin fell, to almost two or three years when Museveni is in power. Not a single brain in all those governments that ever question where the C130 was. It is a firkin  huge air craft, and when it sits at Entebbe every one notices, how the hell did it get out of Uganda for years and through several governments, and not one brain firkin cared?


When Acholi came back from Tanzania David Oyite Ojoke said that the was never going back into exile when poor, that was his decision, I knew Oyite, I visited his home many times, and I visited both, his home and the Agwa’s family for they were actually very close. I knew the man pretty well, for I was one of the people that maintained his communication system at home, I was in his bed room several times. But in trying to never be a poor man again, David became the leader of Coffee Marketing board, he sold literally every seed of Uganda coffee. David banked so much money in both UK and Switzerland, and he was the only signatory. David’s family has lived in Uganda as beggars, and here is my question, this information is not knew and it’s as old as the man writing it today, why have we all failed to go after that money? Why has the government of Uganda refused to go after it? And it is very simple all you need is the two ministries to start on it, Finance and Justice. Show me one trial to get it and you got a no we will not release those funds, and you do not have it. We do not even know how many millions are in that account. Where are the population on streets demanding for that money to be brought back into the treasury? Do you even care? Where is Paul Ssemaluulu with his so many degrees from so many countries?


And here is my base fear, you have a people running our country that are very smart, you see men like that bank of Uganda man, he is a very smart man, you do not know what damage he can do to that country, what has he borrowed, from whom, with what as collateral? And I fear that at the fall off this government we might see things we never expected, probably China owns Lake Victoria we simply do not know. Probably the entire Northern Uganda is sold we do not know. Is part of Buganda sold to China? We have no firkin clue. And the very people that own degrees we have in this forum are a classic example of what we have in Uganda, they defend Guatemalans to get free education in America, when Uganda parents in America have kids that choke on education debt. Yes we have such flipped up brains. When Donald J Trump came in to preach we must make America first they all opposed him, and preached to we must tear America all down. And those are the people you have that went to school to help you in case a Rwandan like Allan Barigye wants to loot your country. What damage has been done to Uganda by Rwandans like Allan Barigye? Do you even know? Do you even care?


Uganda is so open to be looted, for its population is pathetic, and the looters know it. Pray God that it is only Allan Barigye a Rwandan calling all of you stupid.

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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