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Picture: Ugandans enduring the difficulty of identifying their loved ones who were murdered by the Israeli government. The remains were then put in proper caskets and given a befitting state funeral with a 21 gun salute at Kololo independence grounds.

Fellow Citizens, Ladies & Gentlemen.

45 years ago today 20 Ugandans were brutally murdered by the Israeli government at Entebbe airport. On the day of their disturbing death, the Entebbe hostage crisis was at the cusp of ending peacefully without a single drop of blood, as the Palestinians and the Israeli's had finally agreed to a peaceful exchange of prisoners. This would have led to a most harmonious resolution to the serious international crisis. But Israel instead chose the path of conflict and killings, including murdering four of their own citizens, an unnecessary attack in total contravention of international law. The Ugandan airport commander Captain Rafael, a native from Tororo district in Eastern Uganda, managed to prevent even more bloodshed when he shot dead Lt Jonathan Netanyahu, the commander of the Israeli force, during an abrupt face-to-face encounter inside the airport building. This changed the momentum of the attack and forced the Israeli's into a hasty retreat, therefore limiting their spree of bloodshed.
However to this day some people in the so-called most advanced democracies in the world, can be found gloating about "a successfull special operation", a course of action that obviously satisfied their thirst for war and blood, rather than for a peaceful resolution to a Middle East conflict which they all know is much bigger than what happened at Entebbe, and which their islamophobic governments have funded with the known ulterior intention of purposely maintaining instability in the region, and even possibly wishing the complete annihilation of the native peoples simply because of their ethnic belonging and the majority faith in the Middle East.
Islamophobia simply means they have an inherent HATE for Muslims. Just Bigotry!
Notice that their eery celebrations do not ask the question why Entebbe happened. Are they tone deaf to the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people? Haven't they for decades feigned not to see the legitimacy of the Palestinian resistance?
Yet that conflict is till ongoing today well into the new millenium, the growing number of victims are there for all to see in the evening news, the connivance to smother one side of the story is obvious even on todays social media platforms, and all this was already at the heart of the Entebbe crisis in 1976.
Therefore everything happening today against the Palestinian people means that Entebbe is ongoing in Palestine, simply because what brought that crisis is still happening to the true victims.
For the record, these islamophobic countries have just a week ago ganged up in hypocrisy to condemn China for human rights abuses against Muslims, yet the very reasons under which they declared a genocide in Xinjiang province, are exactly the same ones where Israel has also been proven to have sterilized its own citizens of African descent without the women's knowledge or consent, and none of these countries called it an Israeli genocide.
The treachery behind this is so dangerous to world peace since they now plot to annihilate China as the recent G7 summit declarations seemed to announce.
While they dehumanize us as cannibals, to this day Israeli's have no clue that as their plane flew out of Uganda that day on the early morning of July 4th 1976, their entire special forces team and their citizens were suddenly at the mercy of three Ugandan MiG-21 fighter jets from Nakasongola airforce base that had taken just 15 minutes to catch up with the slow and bulky Israeli C-130 cargo planes just before they crossed into Kenyan airspace, and it was President Idi Amin himself who after being told that his pilots had the Israeli planes in their sights, the Ugandan leader decided to order his jets back to base.
Why? Well the Israeli planes contained innocent civilians, the very ones whom he had been very glad to personally announce to them their freedom earlier that day when the exchange of prisoners had finally been agreed between the two warring sides, and therefore he decided to let the whole ordeal end that way with the transport planes left to fly off into the dawn.
Let us be clear. My father supported the Palestinian cause since 1972. But supporting a political cause does not mean hating Israeli civilians. It simply means being against their governments brutal inhumane policies against the human rights, freedoms and liberty of the Palestinian people.
As the chairman of the African Union, the Ugandan leader had to put aside his personal beliefs and start looking for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, the reason why when all Arab countries refused the plane to land on their airports, President Idi Amin intervened thirty minutes before the plane was to run out of fuel and crash in the Mediterranean sea. That's when he asked Ghaddaffi to allow it to be refuelled and then flown to Uganda without incident, where he would attempt to solve the crisis using his old contact's in the Israeli army.
This information is available with the French government through freedom of information act.
The Captain of the french passenger jet (who perished in 2018 of old age in his home town of Nice) was interviewed by french security services and he reported step by step everything that happened from the very beginning, upto their arrival in Israel aboard the military transport planes. In fact he is said to have confirmed how Amin was not involved in the hijacking, but intervened later to first save them from crashing in the Mediterranean sea for lack of fuel.
President Idi Amin had Israeli friends, particularly Colonel Barlev and an Israeli businessman whom I only remember as Zighler. These old friends he maintained a great personal relationship with even in Saudi Arabia after leaving Uganda. He would occasionally call or receive a call from them and have a hearty chat about "the old days".
Remember that the Ugandan army had been partly trained by Israelis in the 1970's before Amin became president, so as army commander in those days, Amin developed good personal relations with some of the Israeli military trainers.
Maintaining those relationships even after his presidency is proof that even after Amin expelled the Israeli's together with the British Asians in 1972, he saw that decision as the right policy decision for the people of his country, and not personal against anyone. This he at least successfully explained to his friends.
I have previously stated that had Amin hated the hostages for their nationality or their faith, he wouldn't have spent time with them daily during their ordeal, and they wouldn't have been provided first class beddings and daily catering services from the nearby 4 star Lake Victoria tourist hotel, but would have been held possibly at Uganda's infamous Luzira maximum security prison, or some unknown military intelligence location where they would suffer from malnutrition, mosquitoes and the humidity of Africa having not been used to poor nations normal conditions.
Let's also imagine if President Idi Amin had ordered his fighter pilots to shoot down the Israeli transport planes. Where would that special commando be in history today?
Therefore I would like to make it clear that celebrating on this day is first of all ignorant. More disturbingly, it is akin to dancing on the graves of those who died unnecessarily in this incident. It is also like dancing to the death and suffering of over five million people who have lost their lives and livelihoods in the course of a bloody conflict that has essentially become known as a brutal and repressive Israeli Apartheid, a regime that is only now unwittingly confessing to relentlessly frustrating peace for decades. This was confirmed in Mr. Benyamin Netanyahu's infamous last speech as Prime Minister addressing the Israeli parliament recently on 13th June 2021 where he declared that Israeli's top priority "is to prevent the existence of a Palestinian state". The clearest indication to date that while pretending internationally to support peaceful coexistence, in reality Israel wants to physically eliminate Palestine and all Palestinians, and Israel is therefore actually against any peace. All this in connivance with Islamophobic western regimes which generously fund the Israeli bloodbaths against the Palestinian people.
What Hitler and the Europeans did to Jews, Israeli's and Western nations are now happily doing together to Palestinians in broad daylight.
How else can they be celebrating this day together?
Essentially enjoying human suffering endured by all the victims of a conflict that has been deliberately, maliciously and calculatedly prolongued with the criminal intention of the extinction of an entire people.
That is genocidal intent.
Daily tyrrany and endless human rights abuses perpetuated by the very Israeli army that came guns blazing to Entebbe on this day 45 years ago.
Yet the repression that the Palestinians were fighting against on that day, and are still facing to this day, I do not wish any human being to ever experience. So let us stop  whitewashing a crime against humanity by celebrating war and barbarity.
It is no different than the Israeli's who were caught dancing to the heinous 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York.
There is no better sign of evil than that. The same cruelty as watching Palestinian women, children and elderly being shredded to pieces of human flesh by democratic bombs, and then supplying even more deadlier democratic bombs for Israel to do even more carnsge.
What is the message here? Fascism?
My heart goes out to all the relatives and descendants of all those killed during the Entebbe raid, including the Israeli's who lost their lives here. And including Lt. Col Jonathan Netanyahu who was also just a victim. A tool of the evil conspiracy that sent him to his death knowing very well that the issue had already been resolved. Therefore the responsibility for all the deaths that day is on the Israeli government which knowingly chose blood over peace.
For decades the people of Israel, particularly the relatives of those who died in Entebbe, have been silenced, stifled and duped by their government, Hollywood movies and fantastic propaganda so that they do not even think of holding their leaders responsible for the deaths of their loved ones and fellow citizens, but the truth always finds a way to shine after the rain.
Therefore let it be known to the world that people needlessly died on this day, a day that was scheduled to be for both sides to celebrate peace and freedom, not war and blood.
May their souls rest in heavenly peace, and may the new Israeli government find the courage and determination to establish a strong foundation of normalcy first with Palestine, but also everywhere else where Israel has affairs, wether in security, trade, culture or politics, so that peace has a chance to prevail and fly in liberty.

Signed: Mr. Lumumba Hussein Amin.
Kampàla, Uganda.

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