UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




Before I go into the meat of this piece I need to start off the butt by set up a preamble addressing my dear friend Gook before he goes into the attack. Gook this piece is by no means repudiating the bad actor status Museveni owns, I recognize the crimes he has committed, and as a population we need to address them in the courts of law. So I am not writing this to clean up the real mess that Yoweri Museveni has created in the country, what I am doing here is allow those that have grown under his government to get  a perspective of comparison, to what Uganda was to what it is today. This piece is to set up a point of comparison to what Uganda is today as what it was then. It is that comparison that has made me decide to use the above heading. Uganda is actually a better country today. The point of comparison I am going to sue is the government of Milton Obote one, that I grew up in and compare it to the Uganda Museveni has transformed into a better country. Thus I opine.


Every human being must have a childhood, and that childhood must be enjoyed for you get it only once, many of us that grew up in Luwero sit these days and wonder how the Obote one government rejected us to own one. We did not start to run from the Museveni/Acholi wars, our running was started way back in Luwero during the Obote one government, we were running from one man, Akena Adoko and his Acholi Coons, they attacked Luwero over and over, we spend our nights in forests in the 60’s, so when Museveni’s war started sleeping in a forest was a walk in the park. Luwero town was attacked over and over, people were being killed in the cover of the night, Acholi were marauding the region every night. And we have some very historical places in the district, Luwero police station is such. Violence was so high in Luwero that one day citizens decided to take the police station out, they picked up a police officer, doused him with cotton seeds and burnt him to death. And the reaction to that was massive.


How many of you or your children sleep in forest thanks to Museveni?


The Obote one government controlled information flow, we had one radio station, called Radio Uganda, and all languages were to be addressed on that same wave. Every news cycle started with president Obote and ended up with president Obote. 8pm was news in Luganda followed very immediately with personal announcements, and then after that it was straight into KupSabiny KupSabiny. We swallowed all that. Uganda today has so many stations I lose count, and anyone can go on the air when you need to do so. Few days ago I was driving to Ottawa and I was listening to a Utube program called Tumuyimbire Mukama, Nice Najanankumbi SDA Church Choir. We had only one religious program on Sunday and it was Anglican and Catholic, Moslems were never allowed on air. Although Uganda had one Televisions station UTV, it opened up at 5pm and closed at 11PM, Sunday we were allowed start early about 3pm. The Obote one government decided what television screens we own, those that are my age you remember the Sannyo small white televisions, that had a Uganda flag, with a crane. I think my family back home saved that television for I saw it one time when I was in Uganda, the screen I have in my car today is larger than the screen the UPC government decided to hand us, we go them from the firkin Pandya’s.


I have been in Uganda homes and watched all kinds of screens in homes thanks to Museveni opening up that country, Obote denied us that right that we grew up not even knowing that Televisions come out in several sizes. Oh and it was black and white, the only good program we were fade on was football made in Germany and wrestling on Sunday afternoon, that is it you are all nationally done.


Entebbe airport had a small run way I think these days it is called the military run way, that is all we had, and it was built in middle of jungle that we were never allowed to watch them landing or taking off as you do today. Th main passengers were never Ugandans, it was Indians, Diplomats and Whites, if you went to Entebbe to fly as a Ugandan you were a Paul Etyang class. Our parents and our selves were never a Paul Etyang class. Half of my village today has flown somewhere, I was once in Uganda and we decided to fly to Nairobi, had a dinner and flew back to Entebbe thanks to Museveni opening up the skies. During the Obote one government if you wanted to fly to Kigali, you had to fly Entebbe London, for London was the only Uganda getaway, fly London Paris, then pick up an Air France from Paris to Kigali, you had no other option.


We were never allowed to import cars to Uganda, all cars were bought from Pandya’s that went to Kenya and bought from fellow Pandya’s, then drive them to Kampala and sold as new ones, those Moriss Mainor’s and Anglia’s were actually used cars and never brand new. Thanks to Museveni opening up the country one can order a brand new car today in Uganda, you can actually fly to Japan or UK and get any brand you want, I have seen all kinds of 4X4s and all kinds of luxuries, but the best part is that an Acholi will never stop you in Uganda and yank you wife out of that car. Museveni put a stop on that pandemic as well. Uganda is open today that last Friday I got some of the best of Avocados, these this time were good that I refused to pick any that does not shake, so you shake it and feel the seed shaking that is the EM Avocado. If Avocados come from Uganda you can export anything you want.                      Stand up and tap into that.


Let me touch a little of the Pandya’s they controlled the economy, they did all the import and export we were denied that right under the Obote one government. Few days ago I saw a writing in this forum that Amin never chased Indians out of Uganda, for that plan was done by Obote in 1986, that is true, but that plan was not done by Uganda alone, so did Tanzania and Kenya, the three countries made that decision, in 2021 Kenyans and Tanzanians still do not control their economy, Indians still control it under that program that was started in 1986. What makes you think it would have worked in Uganda? To be fair it might irk you to raise Amin that he booted out the Indians, that is okay too, there is a solution, on a phone call to all internet providers, search engines and Wikipedia you can instruct them to delete all writings about Amin and Indians, that is how politics ran in 2021. You can even declare the statement that Amin booted them a racist statement the rest of us will obey, as we have obeyed that the fraudulent actually created the God damn vaccine.


If you have grown up in this government, this is your paragraph, Museveni has opened up so many windows on Uganda that we were denied, tap into them, build your lives, and the lives of your children for you have got this window of some peace. The people that log in this forum to go after Museveni, are professional attackers. That is what they specialize into, do not listen to them, for they will never see any positive from Museveni. Some of us have travelled with them on Donald J Trump, to today they have not a single positive thing about him, for that is what they are, very professional attackers. They see nothing positive on Donald J Trump, they see nothing positive on Iddi Amin, and they saw absolutely nothing positive about the Mengo government. When you read only what John kwitonda posts, you think the country is about to collapse, you wait for that other shoe to just drop, nope Uganda is moving forward, and people are succeeding than they have ever done before. Tap into Museveni’s window, establish yourself for that is the only window you might actually have. I am not here to predict the after Museveni, but this I know, several windows are just about to be blown up. Many of these professional attackers discourage investment, one called on Museveni training kids to the Olympics, another one few days ago, out of Arua called Museveni to invest into the country, for that is what they know best, a government controlled population as we had in the 60’s. The reason I travel to Cuba is to remind myself my childhood and the limitations that were imposed on us by the UPC government.


For the record Cuba is very different from Uganda today.


Invest into your country, invest in the future of your children, but most importantly invest to what will keep your village go forward, as professional use UAH to predict Uganda’s demise, that they have predicted for the last 30 years. If you have some good news about investment we need to share it, please post it, for we have started to see our kids here that have not gone to Uganda read what is posted here and reject to go home. Lift them up with a good story to counter the firkin doom and gloom that John Kwitonda and Gwokto pump up an un stopped. The photograph that UAH depicts about Uganda is totally false. When the story of Uganda gets told by Rwandans like Allan Barigye buyer beware.


Be well and be nice to each other for you have a very beautiful country than what UAH sells out.

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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