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Posted by Matthew Burke | Feb 25, 2022 | Posted Links 1The Liberty Daily |  |     

Retired General and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn released an official statement Thursday on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Flynn states not only was this “invasion” totally avoidable, but “President Biden and his failed foreign policy team set the table and sent the invitation and President Putin came and spoiled the dinner party.”

Flynn states, “With the price of oil pushing above $100 per barrel, the U.S. Stock market opening with heavy losses, more global economic challenges looming, the real potential for significant loss of life, and the international community in complete disarray with feeble attempts to condemn what was totally avoidable, we face the onset of another very grave and historic period of tension between competing ideologies and worse, the onset of WWIII.”

“There are fault lines on both sides” as well as “gross violations of previous agreements due to incompetence, arrogance and ignorance that got us to this point” writes Flynn. There are real consequences of war and “for now, we must pray that those affected without an ability to decide their fate, are able to survive this extraordinary period of world history unfolding (for many unraveling) on the world stage.”

“What happens next is anyone’s guess but Putin (and Xi—Taiwan?) just laid down a new world order marker” he continues. “It is doubtful our U.S. Administration will change its failed foreign policy and instead, they will make weak attempts to triple down on leveraging this extremely serious situation in Europe to continue to distract from problems here at home.”

Among those failures to distract from are:

Starting with shutting down the Keystone pipeline and America’s energy independence while and enabling Russia and Germany (read Europe) to reopen the Nordstream pipeline, one has to wonder about the discussions in the Oval office that came to these conclusions.

Describing America as a systemically racist nation, the appointment of Marxists and other radical ideologues to positions of power, allowing millions to surge across our southern border, attempts to federalize and take over our election systems and processes, implementing racist CRT in our schools, our military and across our government, all along, raising the national debt closing in on $30 Trillion dollars, spending us toward extinction, all for left-wing causes.

Let us not forget the Afghanistan disaster, the myriad lies about COVID, a certain Biden owned laptop, and a fraudulent presidential election that has massive amounts of evidence coming out daily…all while China gets a pass.

“It is extremely difficult to trust this administration as they lie with a straight face to the American people daily.” Flynn concludes, “there will never be justification for this invasion or any other form of invasion…never forget that war results when diplomacy fails.”

“may God watch over and protect those in harm’s way and may God continue to bless and protect the United States of America.”

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

On the 49th Parallel          

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