UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




There are a couple of lessons we need but must learn from the Ottawa truck convoy which is still going on to today, and I will raise one today, it is wrong to take others for granted. Life is very hard in this country, and no matter what age you are, we have such a suicide rate that is not happening in many developing countries. People just jump off buildings. And for some very unknown reason, there is this such code of silence that no reporter writes about it and no talk radio raises it, we move very quickly wrap up every thing and play nothing happened here. People just give up the battle. Gas in this city a year ago was about 1.30 a liter, it is about 1. 60 a liter today. That is a huge swing in a year and it is only going to continue going up for no one cares about the population. But we have items that are just withdrawn from the market supply, I love to eat red Snapper, for it tests like Uganda’s Tilapia, but the Red Snappers we have in Canada are small and come from muddy waters they smell not good, if you want a good real Snapper you have to buy one from California, a big grown one. Last year they started to yunk up the  price from about 30 dollars to 70 dollars. When we continued to buy them they just with drew them off market, for now about four months you cannot find any Red Snapper in Toronto fish markets, you need to drive across the boarder if you want to eat a good fish from Florida. And I can go after items and items that the quality has just been thrown in the garbage, and we just continue to get what we are supplied in the dollar store.


When these trucks rolled into Ottawa, the prime minister called them a fringe and none issue, some in this forum have called them stupid and a people that never went to school, I have seen names like they are White supremacist we can live without, on and on the names went. A nanos poll taken two days ago found that 56% of Canadians support the truckers, Justine Trudeau has a support of about 25% of Canadians, and it makes one wonder how a prime minister of 25% calls truckers with 56% a fringe. It is ignoring the facts and we go with the noise. Tonight the RCMP has decided to add officers to its support of the city of Ottawa, but it is important to note that as the RCMP is raising its support in Ottawa, we have a threat of truckers coming to Toronto this week end. You see the Federal government makes the laws that govern us, but many of our lives are actually controlled by what the province does, and the province is in Toronto. And the question becomes how much are you going to ignore the calling of the people? I don’t care but name calling never solve problems. We have lived through this pandemic locked up than any other jurisdiction in the world, I have friends that have lost businesses after businesses, and yet there is no sign of opening up this province, for we are not held due to health decisions but political ones. And what has really hurt businesses is the game of we are opening up next week, we open up and two days later we shut down again. That is a killer in business, for to open up people order material and as soon as it arrives we shut it down, and they destroy the material.


And some times it is neglecting issues until when it is too late. As I walked home few days ago, I logged into the forum, and I read this quote from a member :-


“…………………Secondly taxes are pro rated based on income. An Engineer friend who is a Trucker says at most he makes between 70-80,000 dollars per year after deducting the overhead costs. That means he is taxed at that income which is not the highest tax bracket. People doing office work who get more are taxed more than him the trucker who is being venerated as taxpayer as if they are the only ones who pay taxes. Beware of projecting non issues for attention seeking.”


What a true statement, in fact I have been one of the people pleading in this very forum before we handed it to a Rwandan, that we must be self-employed than ever allowing our selves to be employed in offices. Self-employment has great tax benefits, and it was created to back up job creation through self-employment. So what I posted as a tax payment does not actually tell my whole story, you need to look at my company’s tax return, and it is available as well if needed.


But here is the serious question, where was this reasoning when Allan Barigye a Rwandan man stood in this forum and called me a none tax payer? Where was this admonition when he called me a man that survives on hand outs? Where was this writing when he stated that I live on hand outs? My life has been attacked by this very foolish man for years. Not months but years. Allan Barigye a Rwandan man, stood in this forum and preached how we all survive because he has a job, and he puts firkin food on our tables. Year after year this Rwandan man preached how he supplies all of us with oxygen thank God he works. Where exactly was this admonition?  By the way unless you have a brain of a Rwandan who logs in a public forum to preach how his life is great for he has a job? So firkin what? Do I send my bills to you? How does my living become your business? Every courtesy was handed to this Rwandan man, and he used all of it to prove to us how he is a very important man than all of us combined.


I can go back to where his insults started from, does it have a base? Hell no it only started for I posted pieces about the failures of the Democratic party that he votes for, and I worsened it by supporting Trump. Democrat districts are important to me for the kids that get killed are black kids, Africans, and some actually Ugandans. Rwandans like Allan Barigye do not bother on dead people they feed them to firkin crocks.  I supported Trump for he was better than any president American has ever got. Facts are available. Democrats debate by being abusive, they call every one a Trumptard, a deplorable and a White Supremacist. I was very carefully that up until when I raised the man’s nationality, I have gone after him with only provable facts. You think I would not be abusive as he is? Yes I can but that is not my style. If you read every attack he did and you decided to be a Dog chaser for the Dog is now on a wall, shut the F up.


Allan Barigye a Rwandan man, forgot that when ever you chase a thief you make sure you live in the strength to bring you home.


This admonition is sadly late, for it has shown up when the Dog is on the wall.  You see you can chase a dog block after block, and the dog will run as much as it can, you all scream how the Dog is coming their way, and the friends in the neighborhood join into the chase with screams of here we are, and the chase continues. But within, that chase after you have changed your numbers from one chaser to a whole village chasing, the dog finds its self on a wall separating a block from a block. Guess what the Dog does, he turns around and bites the nearest chaser. You can never find that Dog on a wall standing and just beat him up, he goes out with one of the chasers. Now ask yourself why he never stops in all blocks that you chased him through? Because his intent is never to bite any one, his intent is to get out of the way, his intent is to do other things than waste time with the chasers. He has moved away, a block and another block and another block, and it fail to come to your attention that the Dog is not a danger? There is a value in this forum, there are issues I feel we all must discuss, how did a Rwandan man stand in this forum, where he has never written a single piece, not one but be abusive as he was in firkin Byumba, and we allowed that to happen? We all became chasers in our own forum, for there is a Dog running away?


Allan Barigye a Rwandan, post your God damn firkin tax return, let us see how much you paid.


EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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