UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.




If there are topics I am going to invest my time on in 2022 it is going to be two issues, Mental issues and beating up on people. And the writings I have started to post to expose Allan Barigye’s nationality is exactly under that agenda. There are two problems on beating up on people, the person that beats on the individual, as Allan Barigye a Rwandan made me a case study for four straight years, and the on lookers that preach Haibo whenever the beating starts. For you see at the end of the day when the  situation arrives that Allan Barigye is sitting in today, they get infected with the withdraw syndrome, by preaching for example how paying taxes does not mean anything. You know that individual is hurting, for now the change of the situation he/she was preaching for has firkin flipped. That is why we all must make it a daily job to stop any one that decides to beat on another, when one stands and claims that a member lives in a bed burg infested building, we all must stand up and stop that, for Allan Barigye a Rwandan is not a God damn firkin land lord. Thus he cannot save the situation, he is only sitting in a forum to beat on those he thinks are weak. When he demands to see a tax return we must always remind him, that being a member in the forum income is not a requirement. And we do this in a very good spirit, for you and I know that when the Dog stops and starts to bite we might get bruised and all of us.


For the whole last 10 years or so Western countries decided to get Ukraine and use it as the attack Dog in the beating on Putin. Many promises were made to Ukraine, when the West clearly understood that Ukraine did not belong to NATO, but also understood that Putin did not want Ukraine armed to the teeth. Western countries decided to arm Ukraine as it was fighting its own population it classified as separists backed by Russia. The aim  of arming Ukraine was never to support it fight the separists but was to frustrate Russia as they use Ukraine to beat on Russia. Well let us go back to 2014 under president Barrack Obama, and after this paragraph I will walk to the washroom and wash my mouth with soap. I liked president Barrack Obama for he refused to arm Ukraine. This very president Petro Poroshenko came to Washington and addressed a joint Congress, a speech he used to go after Obama. You see president Obama at a time authorized $46 million in none lethal security assistance, and $7 million for relief organizations working in Ukraine, plus 1$ billion in loan guarantees. Obama gave them body armor, helmets, vehicles, night and thermal vision devices, advanced radios, patrol boats, counter-mortar radars, rations, tents and uniforms. U.S. military and civilian advisers to help Ukraine improve its defense capacity. At the time Obama had handed them a total aid of $291M in cash. After that aid was given to Ukraine, that very president Petro Poroshenko on 14th of September 2014 walked to the Congress for the address to a joint session, and he said and I directly quote “"Blankets, night vision goggles are also important, but one cannot win the war with blankets.” End quote. On 18th he addressed the Canadian parliament also asking for military aid. What Petro Poroshenko really wanted was United States to give him Javelin Anti-Tank missiles, the  Senators that actually wanted to give them to him and both Democrats and Republicans, did not want him to have them to fight the separists, but to beat on Putin that was backing the seperists. Barrack Obama stood and rejected the idea of giving him the missiles, for he feared that he was going to create the exact situation you see today. Thank you Barack Obama.

Now allow me a second to wash my mouth with soap.

When Trump walked to office he too wanted to continue on beating on Putin, as a Rwandan kept on preaching how Trump was in the pocket of Putin, actually Trump wanted to use Ukraine to directly go after Putin, thus he started his presidency by handing Petro Poroshenko the Javelin Anti-tank Missiles that Obama refused to hand in, those anti-tank missiles, pushed the separists to the edge, as Trump wanted. But Trump also would have not allowed Putin to start this war, for as soon as the Russian soldiers would have started to pile up to the Ukraine boarder, Trump would have instructed all air craft carriers to starts heading into the region, the fraudulent watched the Russians pilling up and he remained with an a mouth in agape. And that is the very difference between the fraudulent and Trump. The reason you see Ukraine standing up today is because Ukraine has the anti-tank missiles. But as many western countries armed Ukraine, they armed it not to make it safe but to use it as a lap dog to beat on Putin.

When USSR was created, Ukraine had the most Nuclear weapons and Nuclear reactors, thus Ukraine became the most armed small country in the region, the April 26, 1986 Chernobyl disaster happened in Ukraine, thus with such amounts of Nuclear weapons, Canada, United States and UK, created what was called the Budapest Memorandum to ensure Ukraine that it can destroy its weapons, for under that agreement, any one that will attack Ukraine they will defend Ukraine. The argument today is helping Ukraine you do not need it to be in NATO you help it for you signed the Budapest Memorandum. Russia invaded Moldova, Georgia now even Ukraine that has a signed agreement and all those that were using it to beat on Putin are nowhere to be seen. Some of us tried so hard to post these issues in UAH, and the Annett’s that today are screaming why Putin is killing babies took it upon themselves to scream how American issues do not belong in UAH. Allan Barigye, a Rwandan calls them American issues that have absolutely nothing to do with us. I stand to inform the Annett’s of today, and the Rwandan visitor in this forum, that the Putin’s blowing up of babies has absolutely nothing to do with us in thus forum, stop complaining.

Well as frustration continued to grow up in the Donbas and region, as weapons supplied by UK, United States, Germany, France and so on continued to create chaos in Ukraine, the beaten on man decided to raise up and take on Ukraine as EM decided to take on the firkin Rwandan. This fight is not going to end until when this government falls. And for a very good reason, Putin has had it with Ukraine being used as an attack dog on beating on him. Putin is not going to back down until when Ukraine has a government that is not going to pile western weapons on his boarder, Putin is not going to stop until when Ukraine stops being a training ground to attack the separists but plant destabilization into Russia. And the peace talks he has requested for trust me those talks are Nairobi jokes. This war has been built by years and years failed promises, years and years of west dumping weapons to Ukraine to destabilize the region, and if you kept quite as all these weapons were going in, let me tell what I told those that tried to protect Allan Barigye a Rwandan, shut the fuck up.  The Rwandan decided to beat on me for four straight years, trust me by the end of 2026 you will have understood why my raising his nationality has a value, for that is the time I have to go after him, exactly four years as an equal time he used to beat on me.

The war in Ukraine, what a classic example of the danger in beating up on people.

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator} 

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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