{UAH} Evil men...
In 1971, 46-year-old John List lost his job at a bank and couldn't bear to tell his family the truth.
After a failed job search, he would later say that he had only one option: murdering his family and disappearing forever. He believed without moeny, his family would turn away from God and therefore miss heaven. Th ensure they go to heavy, he decided to murder them when their hearts were still right with God.
After methodically shooting his wife, mother, and two children, List made himself a sandwich, closed out his bank accounts, and cheered for his only surviving son, John, at his high school soccer game. He gave him a ride back to their Westfield, New Jersey home, then shot him in the chest.
He slept in the mansion where his family lay dead, then walked out the door the next morning. He changed his name, relocated to Colorado, and even got married
He was arrested 18 years later and died in prison.
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