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Do you realize what a real commander in chief does? He does not go after innocent Iranian soldiers, he targets the head of the snake and he cuts it off. And that is why some of us supported Trump. These poor Iranians died and more are going to die, that death will never force Iran to change policy. When you go after Qassem Soleiman their commander, the entire Iranian regime listens to what exactly you are stating. That is how Trump managed to make Iran shut up. That is how Trump managed to control how much you pay for gas, that is how Trump managed to put peace in Middle East, to govern for four straight years and not a single bomb was thrown out either in Middle East, Europe or North America when they were dropping like firkin Avocadoes under Obama. These are childish games, you going in as any firkin coward goes in at night, and you blow up small Iranian kids, for they have weapons there were trained to use to serve their country. Iranians replace them with 80 more kids, has Soleiman ever been replaced? And do you know what they did? Iranians actually responded before the American planes landed back to the base by hitting a second American base in Syria. Now what exactly are you going to do next Mr. Commander in thief?


And yet idiots walked into this very forum and called Trump an enemy of international peace. Any idea how much they pay for gas these days? By the way where is she as we speak, where is her call on the fraudulent that he is an enemy of international peace? Stop commenting on issues you are not informed about, for you make the rest of us open our mouth in awe. Did she actually just say that  !!!!!!!!? Jeez’Alloooo.


And that is what made Allan Barigye a useless pipe in the forum. Who said that? Allan Barigye. Oh okay the rest of us are moving on !!!!


U.S. Strikes Back: 8 Iranians Dead In Retaliatory Airstrikes After American Contractor Killed In Drone Attack

Written By BlabberBuzz | Friday, 24 March 2023 20:30


Following a drone strike by Iranian forces that killed one American contractor and wounded five U.S. service members and another contractor, the U.S. military retaliated by conducting multiple precision airstrikes in Syria on Thursday.

The Pentagon confirmed that the UAV that crashed into the coalition base was of Iranian origin, prompting the President to authorize a proportional and deliberate response that limited the risk of escalation.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III said, "At the direction of President Biden, I authorized U.S. Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against facilities used by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)."

A U.S. airstrike on an arms depot killed 6 Iranians, and another strike at a post near Mayadeen killed another two Iranians. "As President Biden has made clear, we will take all necessary measures to defend our people and will always respond at a time and place of our choosing," he added.

U.S. Central Command Commander General Michael Kurilla said that the U.S. is postured for scalable options in the face of any additional Iranian attacks. He expressed his condolences for the contractor's

family killed in the initial strike. "We will always take all necessary measures to defend our people and will always respond at a time and place of our choosing. We are postured for scalable options in the face of any additional Iranian attacks,” he added.

The U.S. currently has roughly 900 troops stationed in Syria to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS, which benefits the security and stability of the entire region. Secretary Austin concluded his remarks by emphasizing that the U.S. "will always respond at a time and place of our choosing."

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko 


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