Good day to all of you.
We are today at a point where we can post a financial report of the funeral of Sseruganda. When you read this report you need to realize that we actually started to spend way back in the last week of September till the day he was buried. I must also state that no one has picked up on these amounts except Dr Wanna and myself. I do not have the total amounts that Dr Wanna spent but the man was in the hospital and the Hospice and he was spending. The amounts I am posting are only amounts that I spent. In many ways I have attached the receipts, so that you understand how these figures came up. There are many items I have just left out, for example I paid his phone bill all through September to February, my phone bills also went up for I started to call long distance which I did not have to do. But my income fell as well, for I dropped hours so that I work only in the morning and be with him in the afternoon and evening, and that affected my pay trust me. All things he ate and drank through all those months we have excluded them as well. By the way John was not only using Instagram he was calling long distance too, and all those were paid.
So this is what we will release as an expense report.
We paid for the Casket $1695 and the receipt is attached
We paid for the two flowers that were on the sides of the casket $429.38 and the receipt is attached
We paid the funeral home a total of $2,355 .75 and the receipt is attached showing the breakdown as well.
The Monitor obituary we paid $860 and the receipt is attached.
Zzimbe did not have a suit so we bought two suits one for me and a second one for him so that we match at a price of $375 each, I do not have a receipt on that one for the credit card statement has not shown up yet. On this one you need to realize that we bought him the clothes that the Funeral home took him into, and since he was in a fridge for almost 18 days those were discarded off, and we have decided not to price those, as we have left out the small amenities, like socks and under wears that he simply did not have.
The three flags cost us $909.60 and the receipt is attached.
Printing material cost us $135.60 receipt attached.
Material we used inside the casket
A pair of bedsheets King size white and matching pillow cost us $152.55 receipt attached.
The 75 Roses we put in the casket to mark his age we spent $375 dollars and we do not have the receipt. Those seem to be on the up side, but here was the problem, we would have got them actually cheaper in stores like Costco, but that funeral was carried out on the 20th of February, and the 19th a day before was a Family day in Ontario and all stores were closed. On Monday stores open at 9 30am and the funeral was starting at 9am and I just did not have the time to take the risks so we bought them at a corner store and that is why it is on the expensive side.
When you add all the above amounts you end up with a total figure of $7,662.88 that was paid by one man.
It is important to note that most of these monies were dumped on a credit card, and that card needs to be cleaned up, and for a very simple reason we are going to need it tomorrow. We managed to use it for we have been faithful to the banks and we cannot change that this time around. There has to be a very serious discussion from those in Toronto and those in Kampala, to figure out how this very large bill gets paid. This discussion must move from Thank you Edward to this is how we make sure your credit card is a Okay, And it cannot be paid by keeping quite. Oscar Kissekka asked me to write up the accounts to show the cost, I do not have his Email address thus I am asking one of the family members, to forward this Email to him for he asked for the numbers, and this Email gives just that.
I need to hear from all of you, those in Toronto, those of you in Europe and those of you in Kampala, and the suggestions you have, and releasing the money on the Go-fund to help deflate this bill can be a very good start, but that fund simply does not even have a half of what is needed right now, and that is way before we even start the Tomb stone that I sent an Email on and it died out there, for no one is responding.
Edward Mulindwa
In Toronto
Below is the confirmation of the money that was sent to Monitor, and a photograph of the shoe Zzimbe had in the hospital and in the Hospice, that pair is still with Mr. Emijjo to this very day, for I gave it to him for safe keeping.
From: Samuel Kisitu
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2024 4:23 PM
To: mulindwa@look.ca
Subject: Fwd: All done! Your transfer 189425685 has been paid
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: WorldRemit <no-reply@info.worldremit.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 4:21 PM
Subject: All done! Your transfer 189425685 has been paid
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