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Why the immigration issue alone should elect Trump

Posted by Larry Horist | Oct 7, 2024 

If Trump wins, there will be a number of reasons. Many will place primary importance on various issues – such as the economy, inflation, crime, foreign policy and the question of whether a voter was better off four years ago than today – the Covid pandemic notwithstanding.

BUT … the issue that dominates them all – and involves them all – is the immigration crisis at the southern border.  The impact of the millions of illegal aliens President Biden and the Democrats allowed into America is the greatest threat to the people’s security, comity and unity.

Opening the borders to a record number of illegal border crossers is a monumental malfeasance of office, at best, or the most damaging betrayal of a president’s oath to uphold and defend the Constitution in history.  The border crisis that has metastasized across the nation is the result of gross incompetency or malicious intent.

The immigration crisis is a factor in almost every problem facing the United States today.

The crime problem is significantly exacerbated by the flow of illegals across the border.  While it is true that only a fraction of the illegal migrants are serious criminals and crime numbers may be declining in some areas, the fact remains that the hundreds of thousands of criminals have been embedded in the more than the 18 million illegal aliens the Biden administration allowed – and even encouraged – to cross the border.  Contrary to the national trend, major crime has risen in the communities most impacted by the surge in illegal aliens.

Among the criminals arriving across the border, the presence of vicious organized gangs has created a unique law enforcement problem for police and for citizens in communities in which the gangs operate.

The record number of fentanyl drug addictions and deaths has been fueled by the large amounts of the drug that flows across the southern border.

Democrat policies have resulted in limited law enforcement.  Illegal aliens receive preferential treatment from law enforcement in terms of sanctuary policies … prosecutorial discretion … lack of cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) by local police, and even defunding of ICE and police agencies.

The expansion of Mexican cartels has been the result of new “businesses” producing billions of dollars for these criminal enterprises that have virtually taken over northern Mexico.  The business includes sex trafficking and child trafficking – shakedowns, intimidation, rapes and any number of rackets.  These are businesses that would barely exist without the large number of illegals flowing to the United States border as a result of Biden’s open border policies. 

The crisis of the past four years has overtaxed the border patrol.  They simply cannot keep up with the flow of illegal border crossers.  That has led to hundreds of thousands of got-aways – those who are not even minimally vetted by border agents. The vetting process, itself, has broken down – leaving millions to enter the country with little or no vetting.  There is virtually no tracking of illegal aliens once they blend into the country.

The flow of illegal migrants into communities distant from the border has not only created a crime problem, but it has overburdened the local economies, social services and law enforcement.

Unfair favorable treatment of illegal aliens at the local level has resulted in resentment among American citizens who see their parks, schools, apartment buildings being turned over to illegal aliens — literally kicking residents and students out of those facilities.

The national welfare system is overburdened with welfare benefits for illegal aliens – including billions of taxpayer dollars flowing from Uncle Sam to local communities suffering dire consequences from the surge in populations of needy individuals.  It is a major and unnecessary imposition on the American taxpayer.

American citizens suffer from the misplaced priorities of the Biden administration. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is short of funds to deal with the recent hurricane crises because the Biden administration “borrowed” $1.4 billion from the FEMA fund to meet the needs of illegal aliens. Just in 2024, there have been 1254 migrant grants from FEMA to immigrant issues – and counting.

The Biden border policies have weakened American security from foreign adversaries.  Foreign nationals from more than 100 nations have joined the migration – including a growing number of individuals on the terror watch list.  Border officials believe that is only the tip of the iceberg – with terrorists entering who are not on the watch list or among the got-aways.

Illegal migrants contribute to the national health problem.  They have a higher percentage of communicable diseases and medical needs than the resident population.  Medical testing is poor to non-existent.  Illegal aliens are overwhelming emergency facilities. 

The surge of illegal aliens is worsening the housing shortage, with migrants being given priority over American citizens in desperate need of housing.

America is a nation of immigrants.  We need to welcome people from other nations to help build the American economic system.  But those facts, do not mean uncontrolled and illegal entrance into America by huge numbers of alien migrants who are minimally vetted – or not vetted at all – is acceptable or a benefit to the nation.

The unprecedented flow of illegal border crossers is not a force Majeure — a crisis that cannot be avoided or controlled.  It is a multi-faceted crisis manufactured by intentional policies. The four-year unprecedented surge in illegal border crossing – and all the outcomes noted above – are the result of the policies of the Biden administration – especially Vice President Harris who was installed as the fake border Czar.  She has failed to achieve ANY objective that would ease the crisis.

Biden & Company expressed concern while willfully allowing the crisis to explode across America.  As is too often the case with Biden, his words meant nothing.  He is known by his actions – reversing all of Trump’s Executive Orders controlling the border … stopping the construction of a border wall … and offering social welfare benefits as an enticement to migrate to America — illegally.

Today, Harris promises to be tough on the border – after failing to fulfill the least of her assignment to address the border crisis. There is no reason to believe her campaign conversion any more than the border malarky she and Biden have been giving the American public for the past four years.  They have proven themselves to be advocates of open borders.

Biden’s, Harris’ and the Democrats’ open border policies have already done grave damage to the fabric of American society.  It will take years – if not generations – to end the rolling impact of the immigration crisis – and that is if we start in January without Harris at the helm.

So, there ‘tis.

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

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