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{UAH} MAN WE WERE PLAYED ON GEORGE FLOYD DEATH -> The Lefties got us this time around !!!!!


As always time has been a great judge of character in everything we do, 2022 was a terrible year for we were fade a nonsense that a White Police officer Derek Chauvin and three other white officers, were responsible for the death of George Floyd a black man. By the way Tou Thao an officer that was taken all along to be a Vietnamese officer is a black officer. Just for clarification. Now that time has passed people out there have taken a moment to slowly go back and find out exactly what happened to George Floyd’s death, his case, and the city of Minneapolis. And that is what I am trying to revise this morning.

For the record I had a whole lot of problem with this noise from get go, so I need the following on record out there. George’s case was made not due to what happened to him, but what White officers do to black people, I hate cases that are built on color, they are in many ways pushed over the facts to fit the narrative, and that is exactly what happened in Minneapolis. When you lay someone on the ground, and you put your knee on back of his neck, he cannot say the word “I cannot breath” for if you cannot breath you cannot make the sound/words out for you choke, and choking people never talk. On one of the riots in America, Black lives Matter took the streets for white officers had killed a black man, before they knew that actually the shooting officer was a black officer. In pulling that color rage is what made Tou Thao a black man  to become identified as a Vietnamese.

Well today we have a different knowledge on what exactly happened in Minnesota, for some people that are dedicated to the facts, took the streets, collected the facts, and made a documentary about George Floyd. What was his life? How was he arrested? What part did the politicians and the media play in building the Floyd inferno and police hate? The medical examiner report states that putting a knee on George never killed him, the man was a sick puppy with so much drugs inside him, and as a man that has worked in inner cities, every person that has died of Fentanyl, dies due to failing to breath. And one way you know that you need an ambulance ASAP a patient complains of difficulty to breath. George Floyd complained of failing to breath before police officers arrived, and his autopsy found Fentanyl in his body. A whole lot of body cam were made by police on that case and all were kept secret except where Floyd is on the ground, a Police officer’s knee on his neck and he is screaming I cannot breath. Reporters, politicians, prosecutors, judges, FBI and so on all picked up on that and the war against white police officers ensued.

I need you to take a moment of your time, and watch a documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis”  to understand exactly how we were all duped on George Floyd’s case, start to wonder how many times are we duped, but why are the police officers in jail?

What happened in Minneapolis was a true sample of miscarriage of justice, and one hopes with time facts will matter.

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

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