Dr Fauci started to work with viruses in 2002 answer the SARS outbreak
Emerging Infectious Diseases: a 10-Year Perspective from the …
When Obama came to office, there were so many questions about these viruses, thus Obama decided to put an embargo on the studies, which took place between 2014 to 2017
U.S. halts funding for new risky virus studies, calls for …
Oct 17, 2014 · The White House today stepped into an ongoing debate about controversial virus experiments with a startling announcement: It is halting all federal funding for so-called gain-of-function (GOF) studies that alter a …
Somehow within that Obama embargo Dr Fauci out sourced the COVID 19 virus research to the Wuhan lab in 2014, we still don’t understand how he managed to do it when the president had put an embargo on the research. When Fauci was called to testify to congress he was un faithful
Fauci Was 'Untruthful' to Congress About Wuhan Lab Research, …
In 2018 15 agencies saw the controversy on the virus research, and instead of stopping the research they funded an Eco Health Coronavirus research, working with the researchers from the Wuhan lab, which recommended the usage of Chloroquine or Hdroxochroloquine as a measure to battle Covid 19 at a time. These are medications we ended up using, when they were attacked by the left wing media, when they were recommended way back in 2019
Fifteen agencies were aware of controversial …
They had all this information about the lab but NIH called Trump a racist, and they told us that the virus came from people eating Monkey and Bat meats
Dangerous new coronavirus is one of more than 30 …
What is very worrysome is that by this time they knew what Covid was, for in 2018 the Department of Defense was checking to see if the games were a super spreader and they knew of the cure. So why did Nancy Pelosi wait for 2019 to declare for a national Emergency for we have a virus we do not know at all? And in 2018 December they declared a Covid 19 emergency and started a massive money print. People started to die even though they had the cure.
-Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel …
Mar 18, 2020 · The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared a public health emergency on January 31, 2020, under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. …
We lost so many people with this virus, people’s lives were changed, every time congress has tried to bring up an investigation to how the outbreak was started, Democrats have frustrated this purpose but men like Fauci have just failed to tell the truth. We need an independent investigation to how the virus came to North America, and the first man on the stand must be Dr Fauci and followed by Nancy Pelosi.
Covid was the worst transfer of wealth ever
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