[UAH] George Okello's alcohol problems
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From: yogaadhola@msn.com
To: upcnet@upcparty.net
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 04:35:26 -0400
Subject: [Upcnet] George Okello's alcohol problems
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From: yogaadhola@msn.com
To: upcnet@upcparty.net
Date: Wed, 29 May 2013 04:35:26 -0400
Subject: [Upcnet] George Okello's alcohol problems
George Okello
You have a serious alcohol problem. That fact is well-known in the Lango community in London. If I had wanted to use that as an issue to score a point, I would have put it on UPCNET. I did communicate the matter to your relative with a clear tittle, "PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL." I know people who have alcoholic problems usually don't know they have the problem. It therefore becomes the responsibility of the relatives to take action. It is in this full awareness that I communicated to your daughter. I did not splash it in public; it is you who is throwing it in public. I am however glad that you have made it public. That way a solution will have to be found by some of your friends and/or relatives.
The reader of these exchanges should note that George Okello is not denying the alcohol problem; he simply castigating me.
You wrote:
"He knows I am the most intellectual and most capable of all of the candidates vying for the election."
You have often boasted of having four university degrees. However having those certificates does not necessarily amount to intellect. We have Olara Otuunu. He may not have as many certificates as you have, but he probably has more higher degrees than you do. Not only that he has gone to schools which are claimed to be the best. Yet what do we see coming from him? total failure to understand the situation in Uganda. So please do us a favour: stop equating those certificates with intellect. doing that just goes further to act as evidence of your being psychotic. Secondly, you definitely have heard of a man called Frederic Engels. he was Karl Marx's partner in struggle. Since you claim to be a Marxist you must know that Karl Marx died before completing work on the last two volumes of Das Capital as well as the four volumes of "Theories of Surplus Value". Further to that, in the course of my reading their works, much as Engels himself said that Marx was a genius and the rest of them were just talented individuals I often fail to see the difference between the two. I am bringing about this to demonstrate to you that it is not those certificates which make an intellectual. Engels, as you should know never went to university. And I bet sometimes you, with all your degrees, finds it difficult to understand what Engels wrote.
You wrote:
"At least with me, UPC has a chance because I can appeal to all Ugandans, I have the ability to do so."
This yet another proof that you are indeed psychotic i.e. you are delusional. What evidence do you have for an outlandish claim such as this? Here you are making a totally baseless claim. Spell to us the factors which would make you appeal to all Ugandans. Also tell us why nobody else can also appeal the same way you would do.
You wrote:'
"But Yoga's response was so vitriolic, I do not undersstand why an old man should write such a letter to a teenager."
George Okello: you have a serious alcohol problem and you need help. It is very good you have put this out for everybody to see. People with alcohol problem don't usually know they have a problem. it is their friends and members of their family who can insist to them to seek help. I did this to get your family members to help you. You have done well to expose it so that friends who did not know it can help.
You wrote:
"I have been cautious in exposing his shallow ideological idiocy but here he is making a personal attack on me addressed to my daughter."
I am very proud of what you call my "ideological idiocy." I am confident that I have written more about UPC than any other UPC alive. My writings are found on UPC website as well as doted in most of Uganda newspapers. I am also in the final stages of completing a full length book on UPC for which I have a publisher waiting. These writings are respected accross the board i.e. by UPCs as well as non-UPCs. When people need reference about UPC they either consult my writings or contact me directly. I have often met non-UPCs who may disagree with me, but do concede that my writings are well-researched. I have engaged people of high intellect such as Peter Mulira in debates in The Monitor. George Okello what do you have to show for your great intellect apart from turgid stuff on Ugandans-at-Heart and UPCNET? None other than George Okello (or was that your namesake) wrote to Linos on the subject "[Upcnet] Visit to Tororo UPC office"'on 5 Apr 2013 thus: " You better read everything written by UPC members, even those from me, that some members complain about. Adhola writes a lot of good sense and captures the history of the UPC that no other person does. The person who advised you not to read anything by Adhola, I think frankly gave you wrong advice, which you should immediately put into the dustbin." There was another posting you made on Ugandans-At-Heart in which you told the person you were corresponding with that I had done more work that you on Buganda. I could have given many more examples where you showered me with compliments. You may not realise it but constant contradicting yourself lends credence to the view that you have a problem.
You wrote:
"Yoga's problem is the UPC leadership election."
I am definately concerned about the UPC elections. I am so concerned that I have told you that, if unlikely as it is, you became UPC President I would definitely leave UPC. It would be of no value after that. By electing you, the party would have demonstrated itself as worthless.
You wrote:
"I have the acumen, political ability and determination to make the UPC programme succeed."
It is such statement which make people think you are both disillusional and out of touch with reality. Words like "acumen, political ability and determination" are just words nothing more.
give us some proof of these abilities you claim.
Yoga Adhola
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 21:26:57 +0100
From: opallog@gmail.com
To: Upcnet@upcparty.net; ugandans-at-heart@googlegroups.com; pankunda@gmail.com; pkesaasi@gmail.com
Subject: [Upcnet] (no subject)
_______________________________________________ Upcnet mailing list Upcnet@upcparty.net http://upcparty.net/mailman/listinfo/upcnet_upcparty.net
You have a serious alcohol problem. That fact is well-known in the Lango community in London. If I had wanted to use that as an issue to score a point, I would have put it on UPCNET. I did communicate the matter to your relative with a clear tittle, "PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL." I know people who have alcoholic problems usually don't know they have the problem. It therefore becomes the responsibility of the relatives to take action. It is in this full awareness that I communicated to your daughter. I did not splash it in public; it is you who is throwing it in public. I am however glad that you have made it public. That way a solution will have to be found by some of your friends and/or relatives.
The reader of these exchanges should note that George Okello is not denying the alcohol problem; he simply castigating me.
You wrote:
"He knows I am the most intellectual and most capable of all of the candidates vying for the election."
You have often boasted of having four university degrees. However having those certificates does not necessarily amount to intellect. We have Olara Otuunu. He may not have as many certificates as you have, but he probably has more higher degrees than you do. Not only that he has gone to schools which are claimed to be the best. Yet what do we see coming from him? total failure to understand the situation in Uganda. So please do us a favour: stop equating those certificates with intellect. doing that just goes further to act as evidence of your being psychotic. Secondly, you definitely have heard of a man called Frederic Engels. he was Karl Marx's partner in struggle. Since you claim to be a Marxist you must know that Karl Marx died before completing work on the last two volumes of Das Capital as well as the four volumes of "Theories of Surplus Value". Further to that, in the course of my reading their works, much as Engels himself said that Marx was a genius and the rest of them were just talented individuals I often fail to see the difference between the two. I am bringing about this to demonstrate to you that it is not those certificates which make an intellectual. Engels, as you should know never went to university. And I bet sometimes you, with all your degrees, finds it difficult to understand what Engels wrote.
You wrote:
"At least with me, UPC has a chance because I can appeal to all Ugandans, I have the ability to do so."
This yet another proof that you are indeed psychotic i.e. you are delusional. What evidence do you have for an outlandish claim such as this? Here you are making a totally baseless claim. Spell to us the factors which would make you appeal to all Ugandans. Also tell us why nobody else can also appeal the same way you would do.
You wrote:'
"But Yoga's response was so vitriolic, I do not undersstand why an old man should write such a letter to a teenager."
George Okello: you have a serious alcohol problem and you need help. It is very good you have put this out for everybody to see. People with alcohol problem don't usually know they have a problem. it is their friends and members of their family who can insist to them to seek help. I did this to get your family members to help you. You have done well to expose it so that friends who did not know it can help.
You wrote:
"I have been cautious in exposing his shallow ideological idiocy but here he is making a personal attack on me addressed to my daughter."
I am very proud of what you call my "ideological idiocy." I am confident that I have written more about UPC than any other UPC alive. My writings are found on UPC website as well as doted in most of Uganda newspapers. I am also in the final stages of completing a full length book on UPC for which I have a publisher waiting. These writings are respected accross the board i.e. by UPCs as well as non-UPCs. When people need reference about UPC they either consult my writings or contact me directly. I have often met non-UPCs who may disagree with me, but do concede that my writings are well-researched. I have engaged people of high intellect such as Peter Mulira in debates in The Monitor. George Okello what do you have to show for your great intellect apart from turgid stuff on Ugandans-at-Heart and UPCNET? None other than George Okello (or was that your namesake) wrote to Linos on the subject "[Upcnet] Visit to Tororo UPC office"'on 5 Apr 2013 thus: " You better read everything written by UPC members, even those from me, that some members complain about. Adhola writes a lot of good sense and captures the history of the UPC that no other person does. The person who advised you not to read anything by Adhola, I think frankly gave you wrong advice, which you should immediately put into the dustbin." There was another posting you made on Ugandans-At-Heart in which you told the person you were corresponding with that I had done more work that you on Buganda. I could have given many more examples where you showered me with compliments. You may not realise it but constant contradicting yourself lends credence to the view that you have a problem.
You wrote:
"Yoga's problem is the UPC leadership election."
I am definately concerned about the UPC elections. I am so concerned that I have told you that, if unlikely as it is, you became UPC President I would definitely leave UPC. It would be of no value after that. By electing you, the party would have demonstrated itself as worthless.
You wrote:
"I have the acumen, political ability and determination to make the UPC programme succeed."
It is such statement which make people think you are both disillusional and out of touch with reality. Words like "acumen, political ability and determination" are just words nothing more.
give us some proof of these abilities you claim.
Yoga Adhola
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 21:26:57 +0100
From: opallog@gmail.com
To: Upcnet@upcparty.net; ugandans-at-heart@googlegroups.com; pankunda@gmail.com; pkesaasi@gmail.com
Subject: [Upcnet] (no subject)
I am so shocked and baffled by Yoga Adhola's vicious attack on me. He claims I am a chronic alcoholic and that I suffer from pychosis. He even wrote a letter to my own daughtger even doubting her age. Anna Marie is 17 years old. She wrote a letter to him in good faith, preaching love. But Yoga's response was so vitriolic, I do not undersstand why an old man should write such a letter to a teenager.
Yoga's problem is the UPC leadership election. He knows I am the most intellectual and most capable of all of the candidates vying for the election. He knows I am the one most likely to win the Baganda vote for the UPC. Yoga would never win even 100 votes from the Baganda but I would win thousands.
There is no purpose running a dirty campaign in the UPC. Yoga Adhola knows this. He better just combat me at the political and ideological level, instead of invecting hatred and calumny against me. I have been cautious in exposing his shallow ideological idiocy but here he is making a personal attack on me addressed to my daughter.
It is for this reason I am making this letter public. Yoga Adhola will never be elected as leader of the UPC party and neither will those that he champions ever be elected. At least with me, UPC has a chance because I can appeal to all Ugandans, I have the ability to do so. I have the acumen, political ability and determination to make the UPC programme succeed.
George Okello
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_______________________________________________ Upcnet mailing list Upcnet@upcparty.net http://upcparty.net/mailman/listinfo/upcnet_upcparty.net
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