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[UAH] Standard Digital News - Kenya : Kisii County residents shocked by bizzare murder

By Robert Nyasato 

KISII, KENYA: A woman slit open her husband’s throat killing him instantly following a domestic misunderstanding. 

Shock and disbelieve engulfed staff and the community living around Kisii Level Five Hospital(KL5H) in Kisii County on Saturday evening as news of the bizarre incident where the woman killed her husband of 15 years using a new panga spread. 

The slain, a medical engineer at the referral hospital identified as Stanley Kipsang lay lifeless at bedsitter in the facility’s staff quarters as members of the public jostled to have a glimpse of what had happened. 

Shocked neighbours told The Standard and the police at the scene that the couple has been experiencing domestic feuds prior the incident but on Saturday they charted heartily outside their house hinting at nothing sinister. 

“She came to me saying she had accomplished her mission,†said Cosmas Bett, a neighbor who is the deceased’s colleague. 

On checking, Bett found Kipsang lying on is bed covered with a blanket but on close examination realized the throat had been slit and there was blood. 

In an interview with The Standard, the woman identified as Tegla Kipsang said she killed her husband and father of her two girls to settle a protracted family dispute which she promised to disclose later. 

“I travelled from home three days ago and bought a panga to end this matter,†a visibly disgruntled woman said while sitting adjacent to her dead husband. 

After the incident, she said she used water and a piece of cloth to clean the panga of blood stains. 

“If you find time to sit with me, I will tell why I decided to kill him…it’s a long story,†she said before breaking down in tears.  

The house wife who came visiting attacked her husband at about 4 pm. There are in boarding school. 

Standard Digital News - Kenya : Kisii County residents shocked by bizzare murder

“He had been drinking with his friend Bett and they bought me soda because I don’t take alcohol,†she added and admitted that at the time of attack, the deceased was drunk. 

Police led by Kisii OCS David Lagwendi visited the scene, recovered that killer tool before removing the body to the hospital morgue, a stone throw away from the house. 

Police picked the woman for questioning in relation to the incident. 

Shocked hospital staff led by KL5H Administrattor, Mr A Motuka visited the scene. 

Cases of murders stemming from family feuds have been on the rise in the country.

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