UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.


We have recently read that the keynote speaker at the convention will be Mr Elly Karuhanga. That revelation was greeted with much enthusiasm from many NRM supporters in UNAA but condemned by many UNAA members opposed to the NRM, as well as independents.
We have also read that the choice of speaker was quietly made by the UNAA Executive (the Secretary flew to Kla to get the donation). In addition, Mr. Brian Kwesiga and his dad (uncle?) David Mureeba of Texas played a big role and it is Mr. Mureeba that revealed that Mr. Karuhanga was the choice that he might contact Ms Byanyima to balance out on the closing ceremony. Since Mr Mureeba is one of the representatives of the government of Uganda in the US (, how is he allowed to get involved in the convention planning and choice of speakers???
1. When I announced my candidacy, I promised to limit situations that lead to squabbles over politics. UNAA has members that are Republicans, Democrats, Independents, NRM, DP, FDC, KY, Bataka Bbu, Libertarians, Greens, etc. I will try to keep UNAA out of politics and create an environment where all members feel comfortable and welcome, regardless of their political affiliations. I believe that no one political group should dominate UNAA. If a member left the convention feeling that any political group has dominated the convention, that will be a failure on my part as an organizer.
Choosing a keynote speaker is of those things that have brought disunity in UNAA. I believe that it is not too late to change course. Of course, I have nothing personal against Mr Karuhanga. We don't know each other. My advice would be the same if the keynote speaker came from any party and elicited similar polarizing reaction from UNAA members.
My goal is simple: I want UNAA to be like my local chapter. In my local chapter, we don't care what party members belong to. We don't impose any political view on anybody. But we discuss politics but we avoid polarizing events. That's how UNAA should be too. Many of us remember the keynote speaker in Denver. He probably gave the best keynote speech I've ever heard at a UNAA convention...and his presence wasn't questioned by anyone, at least not to my knowledge! Why don't we get someone like that?
2. When I declared my candidacy, I also mentioned that I want to limit the influence of donors/sponsors on UNAA's activities. If UNAA keeps its expenses within its means (i.e what the members have paid), we will stop relying so much on donors/sponsors. I will not ask politicians to give money to UNAA. We all know that he who pays the piper calls the tune. If someone gives you thousands of dollars, it is only fair to give them what they want in return.
I don't know the criteria used to choose politicians/parties that donate to UNAA and I don't know if opposition politicians are also asked to donate money to UNAA. What I know is that we should keep politics a bay...because we can't promote all political parties. If we get money from CP, (and promote CP at the convention) I am sure DP, UPC, NRM etc supporters will complain. That's partly why Gwanga Mujje broke away...they wanted Mengo speakers to get as prominent a role as NRM speakers.
If elected, I will not seek donations from political parties and I'll treat all political parties the same. I'll welcome politicians and give them a platform at the political forums. But I will not choose them to give the keynote speech.
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427

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